Weekend fun w/toddlers

@kybekynekane That’s how we do it too. Get moving in the morning and I think of it like different days. She wakes up around 7:30-8:30. Nap from 1:30-4:00, then a shorter activity and bedtime. I nap too whenever I can. Makes the weekends and holidays so much more relaxing!
@steve1962 Yes in napping when you can, esp if you have only one toddler. I sleep when she sleeps. Everyone knows to leave me alone and I’m out like a light when my baby sleeps lol 😂
@kybekynekane Yes to all of this! Baby Music and gym classes are so helpful to get them out of the house on weekends. We also enjoy morning walks so I can get caffeinated and ready for the day, while he gets some fresh air.
@kybekynekane I’ve been doing the quarters as well. My older son is almost 6 now, instead of nap it’s quiet time. The days would feel like complete chaos if we didn’t structure them this way.
@melody5697 I can make a new detailed post about this if you like. But breakfast is usually 30-40 minutes after she wakes up. She’s not super hungry right away. My husband also enjoys the morning routine.

I get up and jog from 6-7am. He wakes her up, snuggles her and she gets milk in a straw cup. Then we cook breakfast which is always something simple like eggs and berries, grits and sausage, frozen pancakes (heated ofc) with butter and berries. It’s always something that takes 10 mins or less.

Lunch is left overs. Always left overs. I always save some food from Friday night and Saturday nights meals for her lunch the next day. All I do is warm it up.

And yes. We do/did BLW and eat at the same time, the same food. Makes life easy for us.
@melody5697 My toddler is in daycare full time. So that’s a lot of the time with her taken up :(

During the week I wake up at 5:45 am, out the door by 6 to jog until 6:50. Hubby is home and does the morning time routine with her. She’s up by 6:30 am. So she gets a fresh diaper and some milk.

7-8 am we are getting ready and feeding her. Out the door by 8. I’m at work by 8:30 am and my husband does daycare drop off.

I pick her up 4:00-4:30 pm. We get home by 4:45. We’ve meal planned and prepped that weekend so, I toss something together for dinner by 5:30pm. Then we finish eating by 6:00pm.

We are out the door for a walk or play time until 6:45. Sometimes if we have to fit in a bath then back by 6:30 to do bath, teeth, pjs, book, bed.

If she didn’t eat well enough for dinner (maybe didn’t like the food or teething) I will snack her with half a banana before bed so she doesn’t wake up hungry.

Some nights are completely crazy and not like this. Most nights are pretty scheduled. But when the evening is off and she’s not in bed until 7:30 or 8 it’s “oh well!” I just don’t make it a habit for her bc she need her 11 hours of rest and she has an early wake up time bc she has two working parents :)
@melody5697 Awesome!! It’s tough while they are little but structure really helps us get through the day. She knows what to expect. And yeah some days we go to a festival in the evening so we are out later.

(We usually end up paying for it bc she’s having meltdown on the way home.) lol glad we can compare. If you have any tips pls share!
@kybekynekane I read “How to not hate your husband after kids” and this is similar to something she suggests. Each weekend consists of 7 time slots - Friday evening, Saturday morning, afternoon, evening, Sunday morning, afternoon, and evening. Really max you want to be doing work/chore type items no more than 2 of those. At least 1 should be devoted to “PEP” — physical activity, escape (fun hobbies), people (who relax/energize you, not draining). Otherwise you just feel burned out.

It sounds like you have really good balance in your weekends!
@kybekynekane Reading that post made me feel so much better honestly. I am thinking I'm just missing being able to binge watch shows when I want with no interruptions. That doesn't happen much these days, and I love my kids, it's just I miss the spontaneity in my life. It felt good hearing that other moms are in the struggle too. Finding time to get outside helps but I think also not being near other adults or people that can give you some time to veg out or just have uninterrupted time is also not spoken about enough.
@kybekynekane My little ones do not have a preference but they seem to just really like being with me. I'm going to miss that when they grow older. So hopefully I can think of fun things for them on the weekend. But I try to go for the free stuff. It gets expensive.
@kybekynekane This is exactly what we do. We’re an “up and out” family so we get up, get dressed, and are out the door by ~9. The baby is up at 6am exactly so we have an hour or two of mommy/daughter time to relax and play before brother is up. The de do something- park, museum, shopping, library, etc. come home for lunch and nap. My 1y/o will nap 12/1230-3ish. My 3 year old does quiet time after lunch until 130 or so. I rest during this time too. Once 1:30 hits my 3y/o gets TV time while I tidy up. 3-5 is prep dinner, general chores, playing, etc. 5-6 dinner and play. 6-8 is the bedtime window for both kids. I start with the baby, she’s down by 6:45/7. 3 y/o down by 8.

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