@melody5697 My toddler is in daycare full time. So that’s a lot of the time with her taken up
During the week I wake up at 5:45 am, out the door by 6 to jog until 6:50. Hubby is home and does the morning time routine with her. She’s up by 6:30 am. So she gets a fresh diaper and some milk.
7-8 am we are getting ready and feeding her. Out the door by 8. I’m at work by 8:30 am and my husband does daycare drop off.
I pick her up 4:00-4:30 pm. We get home by 4:45. We’ve meal planned and prepped that weekend so, I toss something together for dinner by 5:30pm. Then we finish eating by 6:00pm.
We are out the door for a walk or play time until 6:45. Sometimes if we have to fit in a bath then back by 6:30 to do bath, teeth, pjs, book, bed.
If she didn’t eat well enough for dinner (maybe didn’t like the food or teething) I will snack her with half a banana before bed so she doesn’t wake up hungry.
Some nights are completely crazy and not like this. Most nights are pretty scheduled. But when the evening is off and she’s not in bed until 7:30 or 8 it’s “oh well!” I just don’t make it a habit for her bc she need her 11 hours of rest and she has an early wake up time bc she has two working parents