Very very mild symptoms at 6+5 with di/di twins. Minimal nausea. Concerned

@grace92 Mono/di no symptoms except tender breast and fatigue in the beginning. That’s what made me take a test lol I maybe threw up once but I figured it was actual sickness since it was so rare. Carried until 34 weeks. About 28 weeks is when the physical aspect of twins started taking its toll.
@grace92 6+5 is pretty early still…..I don’t think my nausea kicked in until around 9 weeks and then it lasted until 15/16 weeks.

But regardless symptoms aren’t telling……different pregnancies can make you feel different.
@grace92 My singleton and multiples pregnancies were pretty different in terms of symptoms. I wouldn’t try to go symptom by symptom. It’s weird how different each pregnancy can be.
@grace92 I mean, compared to some of the other nausea stories out there, one might argue that my first trimester nausea was "mild". It certainly wasn't constant.

My girls were di/di and they just turned a year old!

Ohhh and btw my nausea didn't kick up till maybe 9 weeks. So just in case, I'd count your lucky stars right now lol.
@grace92 Stressing over it is not going to help but I understand where you’re coming from. I’m almost 30 weeks and had pretty mild symptoms, haven’t had any morning sickness at all. Mostly just feeling tired, uncomfortable, and having pain from the logistics of growing/carrying two babies. I was worried about not having morning sickness since I’ve heard that with twins everything is ‘worse’, but I think everyone is just different.
@grace92 I had less nausea overall with my twins than with my singleton, but at around 6-7 weeks, it went away completely. I assumed something was wrong. Shortly after the ultrasound confirmed it was twins.
@grace92 I had two miscarriages and a triplet pregnancy that became a twin pregnancy.

For all of them, my main symptom was a missed period (I didn't even get the breast tenderness with any of them).

I think The symptoms are different for everyone and for every pregnancy.

Best of luck to you
@grace92 I had almost no symptoms at 6 weeks. I've had some mild nausea from about 8 weeks onwards. I'm 13+2 now and still faintly nauseous, but it's really not that bad. So far everything is looking very healthy and my medical team is happy.

This is my first pregnancy, so I don't have anything to compare it to.
@grace92 My nausea symptoms didn't fully kick in until about 8 weeks it's still pretty early. I had healthy full term didi twins and gave birth naturally. My nausea symptoms were only bad for the first trimester after 8 weeks and subsided after 13 weeks. The worst part was the end when they were reaching 7 lbs each my stomach was squished so I could barely eat and it was so painful to sleep.
@zacdaviid3 Thank you everyone who commented. So far so good. I went to urgent care last night in a panic and they did an US. Both babies are good right now. So good (for now). Both have excellent HRs and are measuring right on time! Thank GOD!!!
@grace92 I had no obvious pregnancy symptoms for the first 6 months of my di/di twin pregnancy. At 6 months I just started getting pelvic pain and round ligament pain. Aside from that I had no other symptoms. I'd say you're lucky.