Very very mild symptoms at 6+5 with di/di twins. Minimal nausea. Concerned

@grace92 My ex-wife had an extremely mild pregnancy for our twins from start to finish - she was very fatigued in the first trimester but that was honestly about it. I think she threw up once over something random, lol
@grace92 I was incredibly sick with my singleton. I had zero symptoms with the twins until week 12ish.

I went in for my dating ultrasound at 8 weeks fully expecting them to tell me that my pregnancy was not viable. Mind was blown when they said twins. Also di/di.

Overall, my first trimester symptoms (in the traditional sense) were 1/3 the intensity of my singleton. I did have a shorter second trimester window of feeling amazing.
@grace92 I had three losses before my twins so I was very anxious and hyper aware of symptoms. I remember thinking the same as you, but my nausea didn’t really hit its leak until 8-10 weeks. Like my dr told me, every pregnancy is different!
@grace92 I never was throwing up, but I had like vague seasickness feeling until about 12 weeks. But it evaporated when I ate. So I started eating like... Crackers or pickles every hour or so and basically never noticed the slight nausea. Di/Di boy/girl, born at 31 weeks bc of preeclampsia. Super healthy once prematurity wasnt a factor.
@grace92 I had a singleton pregnancy that I lost at 3 months pregnant. I was all the time nauseous with that pregnancy. I then went on and had 2 sets of twins with no nausea
@grace92 I had crazy morning sickness even until the end.
However it didn’t start until almost 9 weeks.
The first 9 weeks of my pregnancy was glorious, I don’t think I had any symptoms other than some mild boob pain.
@grace92 I have been pregnant twice (first time was a singleton, second time di/di twins) both times I carried babies to term. Neither time did I get morning sickness of food aversions. in fact, for the first few months, my symptoms were mild enough that i could have caulked it all up to just being long term fatigued. I could understand how people could not know they were pregnant. My main physical pregnancy symptoms were exhaustion, SPD pain, and shortness of breath. Emotionally I was a wreck. I knew that my emotional distress was due to hormones, but my emotional symptoms in addition to pain and exhaustion made pregnancy not enjoyable.
@grace92 I have cyclical vomitting that is brought on by stress before pregnancy. I think I have vomitted twice during my entire pregnancy, I am in my second trimester.

I am having problems, but none related to nausea. I have a subchorionic hematoma, and have a slow bleed for the last month.
@grace92 I had hyperemesis for all of my miscarriages and for my twins. Unfortunately, symptoms, or lack of them, are not an indicator of a healthy pregnancy or of a miscarriage. It's hard, and it's OK to seek out professional support to help you manage all the feelings - my therapist was a lifeline for me.
@grace92 My nausea didn’t hit until I was around 9 weeks and that’s it peaked for the next 2 weeks. Then for the rest of my pregnancy my nausea stuck around but wasn’t as bad.
@grace92 I joked on the way to my initial prenatal appointment that I was definitely not sick enough so there was no way it would be twins. It was di/di twins. They're happy, healthy 5 month olds after a very boring pregnancy.
@grace92 Why is this post getting downvoted??
I had di/di b/g twins with literally no symptoms the whole pregnancy and vaginally delivered two very healthy and big babies at 38 +4
@grace92 My mom had very mild symptoms with my younger sibs (fraternal twins), although I think for her all her pregnancies were that way.

At 6 and 7 weeks, I (tri-tri) was having heartburn and bloating but very little nausea. I've had more since (currently 11 weeks), but still not much, especially if I stay hydrated. I think every pregnancy is just different.
@grace92 I hope you continue to feel okay! Up until 8 weeks I remember thinking to myself, “I’m surprised I don’t feel more sick”. But the nausea came with a vengeance, was very sick up until 18 weeks. I finally thought I was turning the corner but I threw up recently. I do think that the fertility medication I was on had to do with it, but I wasn’t certain.
@grace92 My morning sickness started at 12 weeks with my singleton, and then didn't start until 16 weeks with my b/g twins. Boy I paid for it after that though - puked until well after 26 weeks.
@grace92 I had 0 nausea with all 3 pregnancies. My twin pregnancy was basically the same as my singletons except I was more tired and obviously got bigger.