
@poptart1919 I was heavier than you and my original OB told me I’d need to lose 75lbs before trying. I was in the same boat as you being 34 turning 35. My husband and I were not not trying and 6 months later we conceived. I had gestational diabetes during pregnancy but other than that I had a normal, not high risk pregnancy. My baby was born bigger (9lb9oz) but I’ve come to understand my family has a history of bigger babies.

If you want to start trying, go for it! I ended up getting a new OB because mine moved too far and the new OB was more body inclusive and didn’t mention weight until I mentioned it. Advocate for yourself and find someone that will help you get to where you need to be.
@poptart1919 I’m glad! They will test you for gestational diabetes earlier. I got tested/diagnosed at 10-11w due to a slightly elevated a1c. It sucked to be honest but I’d do it all over again for my baby ❤️ one slight positive was instead of gaining weight I was losing weight my whole pregnancy. I lost around 27lbs. Of course I gained that back after due to eating all the foods I couldn’t have during pregnancy when my baby was born and being sleep deprived but I’m working on it! Good luck, if you want to try don’t not try because of the advice of one doc. There are high risk docs out there for a reason if you need them.
@poptart1919 My BMI is a bit higher than yours and I went through IVF last year. I also have PCOS and pre-existing hypertension. None of my doctors were worried. They did tell me I'd be considered high risk but this was not a reason to not try. The only difference is I'm a little older than you. I'm 35 now. 34 when we started the process. I would talk to your OBGYN if you have one or go straight to an RE if you're concerned and haven't been able to conceive after trying for a while. So far my pregnancy has been completely normal. I'm currently 20 weeks and 2 days. If you want to expand your family now don't feel like you have to wait because of your weight. There are plenty of us plus size girls who have healthy and uneventful pregnancies.
@poptart1919 I'm 34 with 1.5 diabetes and hypertension plus I'm 5'3 and weigh 236 (was a little lower pre-pregnancy, I've gained about 20lbs so far at 5mos) but that being said, unless you're trying to get fertility treatments, you don't need your doctor's permission. I was told basically that I needed to loose more weight because my issues of 1.5 diabetes and hypertension led too my first two miscarriages. But I got pregnant again, before we were planning and so far, I've had a pretty healthy pregnancy with all of my health problems. You're way taller than me and I bet you look a lot smaller than me. I would start trying, there are a ton of ovulation kits over the counter as well as blood tests you can buy through places like labcorp that do not need your doctor permission for fertility testing. You will have to pay out of pocket but it's another way to get around your doctor.

If labcorp isn't around your area, there are other places like quest and other companies that do the test.