
Ugh I just need to vent. I’ve been literally the same weight since I lost the initial bunch immediately postpartum. I exercise 3x/w, eat well and it’s just STAGNANT. I’m EBFing, and this is my third so I remember that I’m likely to stay this weight until I stop BFing as this is how it went w the other two. I don’t mind the number on the scale so much as all the cellulite and extra fat. I’m trying sooooo hard to be body positive about it. Cellulite is normal, and my body is retaining fat to feed my baby (I think!?). But omg walking naked past a mirror is HARD.
@believetheword Oh gosh I feel you on this. My other kids I nursed until past 12m, but this time I don’t think I’ll make it if my body stays exactly the same. Congrats on the loss so far! Nice to feel some progress