
@nyvic My daughter was in the NICU for 106 days. My husband and I worked the whole time to save our leave for when she came home and so we were able to be in the NICU for 2-4 hours a day. Total. No one ever said anything about how long we stayed. The only comments were about how nice it was we read to her.

The NP’s comment was insanely inappropriate. Ignore it. Or, if it becomes an issue, talk to the attending doctor or a patient relations person.
@siege777 That’s what we’re doing too. We figured we might as well use the multimillion dollar daycare, rather than put her right into a daycare where she gets less attention, right when she comes home🙄
@nyvic We were in the NICU for 4 months. It always seemed like we were in the way. We’d stay like 6-8 hours a day. It’s very draining being there and there was nothing you could really do. If I were you, I’d lodge a complaint against this doctor as it was very unprofessional.
@nyvic Awww thats terrible!! Hopefully all the comments are helping you both feel better ❤️

I had a similar experience one day when a new nurse was looking after our little man. I was having a bad day and saying how desperately I wanted to be there more for him but I was already struggling with what I was able to do and feeling awful about it. Her response? 'I know it's inconvenient, but he really needs you to be here more'. 2 years later and I'm still hung up on it! I hope you both get over this better than I have!
@vincent Your child knows how much they mean to you at this point! A small time in the nicu doesn’t define you, or your care. It’s a hard place to be, I 100% stand by that. I hope you’ll see that and forget about it as well, as you watch him grow😊
@nyvic I had this comment, too. They even contacted social services over it before even speaking to me!
I told social services that I'm relying on lifts as I don't drive, and the social worker ripped the nurses a new one over it!
The nicu never had rooms for me and my partner yo stay, so we were only able to stay twice the whole time she was there. I was fuming!!
When my daughter then moved closer to home, I was told I needed to stay longer too....the nurse had not realised I was there 8-9 hours a day.
7am till 3-4pm.