UPDATE: How soon is too soon? i.e. should I make a baby or not?


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I posted last week sometime and got some really great feedback. I went into my hole and did some thinking, so wasn't really around to thank and reply to everyone. Thank you so much to everyone who did respond though, it was so helpful.

So, we talked and talked and have decided to go for it :) We both want a family, and think that with some good planning now we can do it in a way that allows us to continue a lifestyle that we'll love. My parents traveled extensively with me when I was a child, and I'm so grateful for that. We're financially stable and resourceful, there's no reason we can't live a similar life with our child when s/he comes along!

Our plan at the moment is to continue living together until the end of the year and make sure we truly are as compatible as we think we are (newish relationship, only six months in). If everything's still great by then, we will buy a house together, get married and do one particularly difficult trip that would not be possible with a child/while pregnant. Once all that is ticked off (mid-late 2017 I guess), we'll start trying to conceive.

It feels so great to have something solid to work toward and to know that we're definitely on the same page now! I'm so lucky to have this incredible man in my life. We'll be spending the next year to prepare as well as we can for this, financially and in our relationship.

Anyway, just wanted to drop in and share the good news, I'm sure you'll be hearing some more from me as things progress :)
@wessy Yay that is exciting that he is on board. I feel like we are similar. When I was younger I wanted kids but as I got older I never saw myself having any. It probably just wasn't the right time, or right person, and I had growing up to do. I'm 29 too and my fiancé and I agreed to 4 major trips before kids to wrap up traveling. We will finish Spring 2018. We also have other goals but that is a big one. I'm kind of baby crazy right now and I know he wants kids too but is way more rational about it too haha. See you around WTT for the foreseeable future! :)
@howardvickers we do sound similar! what trips have you got lined up? we want to buy a couple of motorbikes and ride from Alaska to the tip of south America. definitely not baby friendly haha.

and yeah, he's also the measured, rational one in our relationship. my impulsiveness has got me into trouble before, so I feel really good having him around to temper that a little bit.
@wessy Are you me? I've been dating my boyfriend for 6 months and we've both already expressed a desire to have children with one another. He already has a son from a previous marriage (he has custody). I'm also divorced (separated September 2015, divorce finalized February 2016). I met my boyfriend after separating from my ex-husband but before my divorce was finalized.

I sometimes feel crazy for already wanting children with someone I've only been dating for 6 months, but we click in a way that my ex and I never did. And my boyfriend is an amazing man and father already. If we do end up having children together, our timeline would be about what yours is as well.

Good luck! You give me some hope that I'm not loony.