Update: Full on crying my heart out tonight


New member
Original post here

So many of you saw my post about my beautiful 3 ¾ year old, and his amazing progress away from being non-verbal. That was 1 week ago. Just over 1 WEEK AGO he had 4 words in his vocabulary. A week ago he doubled that to 8. In the past week, he has:
* Said 'Nana', loud and clear, in front of his nana.
* Counted verbally to 10, including 0.
* Recited the entire alphabet (as best as his pronunciation allows, W is doo-de-doo cause he can't say it yet)
* Can say yellow, blue and pink, and attempts lots of other colours (orange is ooh ah and yellow is yoyo)
* Tries verbally to say almost every word we say to him.
* With no prompting or encouragement, looked at a turtle picture and said turtle.

Whatever the hell has clicked in his head, OH MY GOD it's amazing. I was actually anticipating that he might never say he loves me. He can't yet, but he's trying.

Oh AND today he got his first ever invitation to a birthday party from nursery! Granted I think she's invited everyone in the preschool room, but we never expected him to get ANY invites at all! You better believe we're going! ❤️❤️❤️
@magling This is amazing! What a kiddo you have! My 5 YO has autism, I know how uplifting such progress can be for you and your LO. I can so relate to the birthday invite too, my son started kindergarten after having a really tough time in preschool where kids called him the bad kid because he played alone. When he got his first birthday invite in kindergarten I framed it haha. So happy for you!!! Onward and upward!
@magling This is so wonderful. My daughter was also non-verbal at 3 and a half. When it finally clicked for her, it was like opening the flood gates. I hope it works out the same for your little one.
@magling This is the BEST!!!

My (also very speech delayed) almost 4year had a similar word explosion around that age. We still have list of catching up to do but considering I was starting to accept that she would literally never speak and this was as good as would get for her it's amazing. Literally the best feeling.

A few weeks ago putting her and her sister down for bed, she pulled me in for a hug (rate for her to initiate it/hug back) and said the magic words. "Love you Mommy"

Your little one is just getting started, enjoy all the words, there's even better yet to come!
@magling I saw your last post and was so happy for you, I’m absolutely thrilled to see the progress! Our son was also delayed, and everyone kept saying “oh, one of these days it’ll just happen and you won’t be able to shut him up, you’ll be sick of hearing him”. I was like, cool. When though??

When that little switch finally clicks in their head and the words start flowing, it’s just tremendous. I remember so clearly the first time he said Mama, the first time he said his own name, the first time he said a proper multi-word sentence. Even now, almost a year on since he started talking, I’m still not over the novelty, and love to hear him speak 🥰 I hope a year from now you have an awesome little chatterbox just like me, and you too just never ever get sick of it!
@magling Love love love!!!

My little boy was non verbal until 4 - what changed for us was that he had an amazing speechie who he absolutely fell in love with and just wanted to keep impressing her lol

Loving this update for you!! 💗