Update #2 to “Hitting up a friend’s baby shower this weekend then G H O S T I N G the lady....”


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Original post here

and first update here

So this morning I went out to brunch with my girlfriend from grad school who went to the baby shower and who only knows the friend im ditching thru me. Ive never ever shared any grievances/concerns with this girlfriend regarding pregbant friend, nor did i intend to. And the friend im brunching with is a very upbeat positive person and rarely has a bad thing to say about anyone or anything.

Anyway so we are just BSing about whatever and then i asked her how preg friends shower was. she said it was good and that preg friend dressed cute etc, but then paused and goes “is preg friend maybe.....not as nice as she use to be?” i asked her what she meant and she said “well i couldnt make it to her wedding and weve never really been friends - she never ever called me or invited me anywhere but i knew her thru you only and i got an invite to her wedding shower and wedding and then i was sick after a 9 hour international flight and didnt make her wedding he next day and explained why. then o saw her at your house 8 months later last year and she was mean to me and made a snide comment about how i was the only person there that didnt make her wedding. and i was surprised she was so rude and angry esp bc we werent really friends and she never tried with me. i didnt say anything bc i thought maybe i was in the wrong. and then at her shower that day she was also kind of standoffish and rude and seemed to be very ungrateful and entitled to attention, and i chalkednit up to maybe pregnancy but then again shes been this way with me before then. and i still dont understand why she keeps inviting me to her showers and wedding and we live a couple miles from each other and shes never actually tried with me, and she used to seem a lot nicer but ever since the wedding and this she acts like everyone needs to cater to her.”

i felt relieved i am not totally imagining how i was feeling about this person and was quite surprised that my friend had so much to say about this topic. i told her i felt similarly and was gonna let up on trying with that person as it felt one sided.

yesterday i was thinking that the id like to take a trip w my gf i was brunching with for a few days and get away from the husband and kids. weve never talked about it ever before and i havent vacationed in five years. And i wasnt even gonna ask my gf bc i knew she was gonna take a trip for three weeks to her home country of bosnia in the summer, so i figured she wouldny want to take a girls weekend. well anyway after that convo she immediately brings up that she has a few vacation days left after bosnia and would i like to do a girls trip somewhere in the fall? i told her i was JUST thinking that and would love to.

so yeah, it was a good day and i hate that stuff is not working out between me and the pregnant friend but i feel much more
confident in my judgment and focusing on nurturing the friendships that are two sided
@christianman31 Amazing. It's such a feeling of relief when your feelings and thoughts are validated by someone else. That's usually how it is with toxic people over time. You just keep being your genuine and kind self and let preg friend shit on her own life. Over time everyone will wise up to her bullshit, just like you did. I hope you girls pick somewhere awesome to go on vacation, and that you update with all the fun stuff you do! Love and warmth to you ♡
@katrina2017 thanks! i honestly was like “i cannot even believe the words that are coming out of her mouth right now and the timing of it.” its rare when you make difficult decisions about relationships in your life that you get something really validating dropped in your lap. so im fortunate that it did.

and yes we already have a vacation planned by the end of the day here and my husband is lookkng VERY nervous about having the kids by himself for 6 days lol