Unpopular opinion: u don't have to setup a nursery room now

@ron351ne I think you really meant, “You don’t need a fully set up nursery room now,” which I’d agree to not stress out about. The nursery is for the parents, not the baby. For us, it’s the nighttime changing station, a place to rock her in the glider while the other sleeps on rough nights, and even the not-yet-slept-in crib is a playpen while putting away clothes. No, the baby doesn’t need any of that fully set up in a separate room, but it helps. Plus, I can’t imagine trying to do it now that I’m fully back to work.
@ron351ne This is very bad advice. Set it up now with the basics so you're not trying to do it when you have a baby. That is very hard to do and you can build furniture better when you've slept for more than an hour in thr past week.
@ron351ne Even though we didn't use it for sleep for a while, I would have been too tired during the early newborn days to set up a whole room, it was nice to have it done. I breastfeed and have dogs and had visitors, so it was also nice to have a quiet little space all set up with everything I needed for when I needed to feed.

You definitely could get by for a long time without having one though!
@ron351ne Hospital bag is much more important than nursery being done on the arrival day. As someone who had a perfect, finished nursery but didn’t have a packed hospital bag day of, trust me
@ron351ne We set ours up and while we don't have her sleeping in it (clearvue sidesleep bassinet ftw) it's nice to have a room for books and toys, the nursing chair, and god help me the changing table and diaper trash can (if i had to sleep next to the diaper trash I might just sleep on the patio).

That said, if it's a space or bandwidth issue, I could totally see putting it off until 6 months old or later.
@ron351ne I disagree with this, but if it works for you that’s cool.

From our perspective, the baby was sleeping in our room in a “next to me” by the bed for the first three months of her life, but she moved into her own room when she outgrew that.

We decorated and built the furniture for her room (nursery) before she was born on the basis we’d probably be too exhausted to focus on that once she was born.

If it worked for you I’m happy for you, but I would personally recommend doing it before the baby arrives in my own experience.