Ultrasound scan 5weeks 6days but suppose to be 7 weeks based on LMP


New member
Hello ladies, I had an Ultrasound that came back that I was five weeks six days they were not able to see a Heartbeat just a. I had an early miscarriage last month on January 1 and bleed for only two days. I didn’t ovulate till the 20th of January my doctor is concerned and saying my pregnancy is probably not viable because I should be seven weeks. I don’t have another ultrasound till March 5th my hCG levels were 14,000 when I receive my first scan at five weeks six days, two days later my second hCG levels were 16,500 my doctor said that they are not rising properly and suspects that I’m gonna have a miscarriage. I have not been cramping or bleeding but I am very worried that the baby stopped growing, however part of me does think that I am not as far as long as I should be because I didn’t ovulate till the 20th And I have a long cycle of 36 days. Has anybody else experienced this? I’m a nervous wreck can’t believe I have to wait a whole week to find out what’s going on.