Typical teenage boy - help!


New member
Hi all FTP so please be nice.

My son B (13m) has most definitely hit puberty. We love each other to death but we are bickering so much recently. He gets into a mood every now and then where he will just go a little hyper and not knock off annoying behaviour when I ask him to. I tell him to stop and he just rolls his eyes and says 'whatever' and stops, and then a minute later he's doing it again or starts something else or begins to wind up his twin sister e.g. by just standing in her bedroom door and ignore her when she says get out "I'm not even in your roooooom" - typical teenage and sibling behaviour, I get that.

When he is misbehaving I give him a warning and tell him if he does it again what the punishment will be e.g. losing his phone for the rest of the day (thank you google family app), then for 2 days etc, and tell him over and over that he knows the consequences and if he carries on he is choosing that consequence, and not to blame me.

I hold my hands up, I'm crap at reinforcing some of these punishments e.g. I forget to put the parent lock on his phone so he ends up using it anyway.

This week he's been such a pain in the ass. We're up to 3 days no mobile or xbox - I physically took his phone and xbox controller away. I go into his bedroom this morning to get him up for school and lying next to him is an xbox controller that I didn't know he had (his dad gave it to him). As he's waking up he stretches and trys to slide the xbox controller under his pillow but I've already clocked it. I ask him 'If i turn on your xbox and look at the daily usage is it going to tell me you've been using it'. He pauses and then says yes. I've taken the xbox itself away and said I'm tempted to send it to his dads house and not bring it back so he'd only be able to use it every other weekend.

I feel like I'm failing as a parent. I just can't believe the level of disrespect he's given me and how sneaky he's tried to be. I know 'He's a teenager' but like I said we love each other to death. It kind of gets to the point where the punishment stops being effective as well e.g. 3 days with phone and xbox - an extra day won't make any difference and he gets more and more pissed at me.

I'm tempted to say he can't go to Army Cadet camp over the summer which is 10 days away from home and he's been looking forward to it for ages, but I kind of think thats the nuclear button and he'll get worse after that because I wouldn't have anything bigger to threaten him with, and I know it's a good thing for him to do as a teenager.

Any suggestions, even just basic ones - please help! Why don't teenagers come with a manual...?
@kkisling109 What you are doing is just fine. You're already on the right track. His behavior is normal for his age. His brain isn't fully developed and he is experimenting with behavior.

I would not ban him from camp over this stuff. Plus the 10 day break will be good for you both. Keep going. You're doing good!
@kkisling109 We’re at that stage with my youngest, but past it with my 17 yo son.

If you treat him like a little kid he’ll behave like a little kid. So drop the punishments, putting controls on his phone and nagging him about his attitude. Have the same expectations of him as you would have of an adult living in your house. Give him some meaningful work to do. Send him out on errands. My 13 yo will be scrubbing the bathroom this weekend. My 17 yo washed the car (in and out) yesterday.
@katrina2017 Interesting strategy! I’m working with a social worker for my rebellious 14 year who recommends putting limits and rules; which my kid just outright refuses to follow. Might try just treating him like an adult.