Type B (personality) parents


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I am type B personality type and due in a month. I have done some research. Like I have decided to formula feed (for personal reasons), follow safe sleep guidelines and I am going to sleep train once she’s old enough. The rest I’m planning on learning on the job. Is it crazy to approach it this way???

Type Bs let me know!!
@swe97 Most plans you make before a baby is born will go out the window once you get there. I hate to say it because it sounds discouraging, but you *always* learn on the job. It doesn't matter how much you read and what techniques you want to use. I mean, the exception here is formula vs. breast. There's no debate: Fed is best, and there often isn't a choice in what you can feed your baby.

But with everything else, it's just controlled chaos. And it will be that way until..... Well, it doesn't really ever end.

Embrace it, love it, and best of luck! Trust me, it's a lot less scary once you cross the bridge.

I wish you all the best, sincerely.
@swe97 Nah, babies are a crapshoot. Even if you feel you know everything you need to know, you should always expect the unexpected and be prepared to adapt. Just brush up on the basic baby care stuff, otherwise it’s not worth worrying about imo
@lostgirl That is kind of my thinking too? All my friends babies are very different and like/hate different things so no one can tell you how your baby will react to this thing or that.
@swe97 As an extremely type A person, this is the better way honestly. My baby threw all my plans out the window and it stressed me out a great deal more than if I'd been able to just relax and handle things as they come
@counterview I did IVF as well and kind of took the same approach. In hindsight I was naïve about my chances but it actually worked out! And I’m glad I didn’t get caught up in the numbers. So I am kind of approaching newborn phase the same way.
@swe97 Type A typically in life, but when it comes to baby, Type B mindset is the way to go! Between books, google, social media, YouTube, and even Reddit, there's TOO MUCH information out there - it's honestly data overload. It makes sense that PPA is becoming more and more common in our generation, and my Type A personality just can't deal with it 🙃
@aechceeaech Yeah there's too much "You have to do this, buy that, do that". I live in a small town in Eastern Europe and it still infects younger parents here. We're just winging it. This is the way.
@swe97 No you’re fine. Tbh my baby is 11 months and I don’t even understand how people have designated nap times and schedules for their babies. Like…. Mine doesn’t want one lol.
@swe97 My advice is don’t make any plans before you’re actually in the situation. Everything goes out the window when you’re actually going through it.

I just wing it and always have. Works great lol
@swe97 I’m a type A mom and before baby arrived I had bought several baby books intending to read them. They are collecting dust now lol. Honestly I just find myself googling things as they come up.
@swe97 Yea I did this. The one thing I would read up on is baby settling techniques so you’ve got some up your sleeve. Tbh though it’s just chaos when Bub arrives, and I think the best advice is find a trusted source of info and just stick to that.

I just rolled with it when it came to most things - I nurse though so that meant no worrying about being organised with bottles, sterilising, volumes, feeding schedules etc which made that easier - im way too lazy too cope with the formula feeding admin!
@swe97 i follow my intuition and use internet forums youtube videos tik toks facebook instagram and comments all about parenting to get other perspectives advice and guidance. than i use my intuition to decide what advice to try
@swe97 I’m a type b mom to a 12 week old and it’s pretty blissful. I always say “it’s his world and we’re just living in it.” I think I just happened to luck out with an easy one (just luck of the draw if you get one with digestion issues, which ours doesn’t have) but I feel like it’s probably a little self-fulfilling in that we’re not stressed around him so he’s relaxed. The one thing I wish I had spent more time learning about beforehand was diaper changes, though. We didn’t realize the importance of diaper cream and didn’t use it for the first two weeks and he got really bad diaper rash we had to treat with a prescription cream for awhile.
@swe97 Type b mom and dad is also type b lol we just kept telling ourselves we’ll figure it out when the time comes and guess what… we indeed are figuring it out greatly! I don’t really see a point in planning things like this, we have no idea how the child’s gonna be, or how we will feel after child birth so it’s best to just wait til then. Now we did take a couple classes just to have knowledge of things, I took a breast feeding class during pregnancy but now I exclusively pump and probably moving to mostly formula soon… anything you actually plan will probably just go out the window lol I also planned to do a water birth and then ended up having her on the toilet lmao