TWW fun ‘til Monday!


New member
So- I’m 42. Last year I met my amazing partner just as I was starting hormone treatment for solo IVF. (Yea, I know!! Loll)

The FET didn’t work then but just about year later my guy and I have moved in together, and everything is going extremely well for us!

We’ve talked about revisiting the clinic, this time together (!), and I’m supposed to call them when my period starts- which is supposed to be on Monday.

But- we happened to do the deed on the day this cycle. Then this past Wednesday I had random spotting. It was enough where I emailed the clinic and then the next day I told them it was a false alarm because nothing else was happening.

I know implantation bleeding is very controversial on Reddit, but plenty of women talk of spotting just before their missed period. And random spotting hasn’t happened to me in years and even then it was stress related and I haven’t been stressin’!

So now I’m a hopeful symptom spotter through Monday, lol… I’ve had a mild cramp. And my sinuses are all weird.

I’m waiting to test on Monday if no period comes. But it’s been really fun to think about!!
I had some progesterone suppositories left over from IVF and have been using them just to be on the safe side!

Any experiences y’all want to share about the TWW are welcome!!

Spotting? A weird nose? A cramp? Super tired? Dish!!!! 🍿🍿
@dageo With both of my pregnancies I’ve had spotting around my missed period. We were actively trying for both but I didn’t realize I was pregnant until week 7-9 because I just thought I had a light period. Fell for it twice. Couldddd be.
@dageo Congratulations with your pregnancy!
I'm currently 40 until March 12 and I recently discovered that I'm 4 weeks pregnant. I will be a first time mom.

My husband and I started trying to conceive last year on March 12 by stopping my birth control. I found out that was pregnant in July when I was 5 weeks. I had been spotting continuously and I had decided to take a pregnancy test to figure out why I was getting my full flow - - I'm typically light to medium, but this was very light even for me. I took one test and it was positive. Disbelieving the results, I tested strips from different brands to make sure. I was indeed pregnant.

When I went to the doctor, I had my HCG level tested and it was 921.6. I was went again 2 days later and it increased only to 1595. Two days later, it 2912. I was then flagged for possible ectopic pregnancy/miscarriage because of my low level of HCG - I learned that it's supposed to double. Meanwhile, I'm still spotting to the point that I'm having to wear a panty liner and eventually switched to a pad.

A few days later, I passed tissue, but the bleeding didn't stop. I then had an transvaginal ultrasound and it confirmed that I had an ectopic pregnancy.

From August to November, I had to have a series of Methotrexate injections.

My HCG level returned to less than 5 around November 15 and my cycle returned at the end of November.

Fast forward to February 28, 2024 and I just discovered that I'm pregnant again. This time it's almost completely different. I spotted briefly 2 days before and assumed that I was starting my period. When no more bleeding occurred, I took another pregnancy test and it was positive which made me 4 weeks. I took the HCG test and it was 795. I went back 2 days later and it 2912. I have to get another this Friday to see where my level will be. Meanwhile, I'm not spotting.

My point to all this is that for me I spotted with both pregnancies. However, it's supposed to be brief. Low HCG levels and constant spotting indicate a failed pregnancy.

I truly hope that yours prove to be successful and I'm sending you positive vibes.
@d3thadd3r What a rollercoaster! Thank you so very much for your response and the well wish!

I don’t know if I am indeed pregnant yet- but should know in the next couple of days. I will also be a first time mom.

I am very hopeful but also feeling quite grounded as I’ve been through so much. A previous marriage, a traumatic miscarriage with another (terrible) partner, IVF on my own, (buying sperm on the internet is quite the experience! lol..), injections, transfer, and now with my guy we are so at peace and resolved that I know I’ll be a mom somehow.

This way would be absolutely amazing, but I just keep counting my blessings and doing a little happy dance every time I go to the bathroom and nothing is happening lol…

We shall see. I am very heartened to read your response and wish you the absolute best!!

Thank you!! ✨✨
@dageo My first pregnancy symptom was an eye infection that spread to my sinuses and chest. I was so sick that I figured my immune system must be suppressed by a pregnancy and I was right!
@varzr Omg this feels spot on for how unfair pregnancy symptoms can be! My weird one was a major gum infection from a trapped food particle. I had to get part of my gum lasered off! My dentist explained that in pregnancy any minor issue can go full bonkers because our immune systems are so off.
@varzr Ha! That’s so random! Hope it wasn’t too bad and that you recovered quickly!! And yes, my nose is doing very odd things this week. lol….

I never would have thought I’d be excited about weird nasal stuff and what it could possibly mean haha!

Thanks for sharing! ✨
@dageo With my first pregnancy, I had bright heavy red spotting about 2 weeks after my period. With my second pregnancy, I had a cramp that knocked me off my butt and made me sit down. The following day I had a day with very very light brown spotting that made me think my period was coming but the spotting stopped after that day and 2 days later my pregnancy test was positive.
@dageo Oh yeah. About two days before my period was due I started to have light cramping and some very mild spotting. Super light. I remember telling my partner (who I was actively trying with that month) “okay, there’s my period. I guess it didn’t work this time around”. Then my period never actually came.

I BAWLED that night watching a stupid marvel movie, and then I started to wonder. I took a pregnancy test the next day when my period was supposed to start and blammo. Pregnant.
@jordanbanks Aww… sorry you cried that night!! To be fair, marvel is wayyy more than ‘comics’ and has made me cry without the added emotional weight of TTC!! Super happy for you! ✨
@dageo Thank you!! And yes, marvel movies can pack an emotional punch! I think I cried watching a very well choreographed fight scene - nothing sad even happened. That’s why I knew something was up! 🤣