Twin B 1 week behind at 10 week scan


New member
I just had my 10 week ultrasound, and twin B is measuring at 9 weeks. Twin A is measuring at 10 weeks, as expected.

My twins are di/di from two eggs implanted via IVF, so there's no chance of a different gestational age.

Both had heart rates of around 170-180bpm.

Has anyone else had one twin significantly smaller than the other at this stage? Is it something where twin B might just be a few days late on a growth spurt, andis likely to catch up?

UPDATE: I've had a follow up scan, and it looks like twin B has abnormalities that are incompatible with life. :(
@wenwood Our baby A measured 5-7 days behind for the first few months, and we were told this was perfectly normal / not significant. He consistently was smaller on his growth scans than his sister, and was a whole pound smaller than her at birth.
@kwesituff That's good to hear. So I guess we'll just look to see how they keep tracking.

They've given us a follow up ultrasound tomorrow to go through with a doctor rather than the sonographer.

If it is insignificant, it is kinda a good outcome for me. I hope to have a vaginal birth if possible, and one of my doctor's requirements for that is that the top twin is no bigger than the bottom twin.
@wenwood Even if baby B is head down? That was a requirement for me as well but only if baby B was breech because a breech extraction would probably not work in that situation.