Thoughts on cod liver oil supplement for baby?


New member
I’m interested in giving my 6 month old cod liver oil. I’ve read that it’s very nutritious and has benefits of providing vitamin A and D. Are there any moms out there with opinions on this or people who have used it?
@mikeintrouble American married to an Icelander in Norway here: it’s recommended by doctors and midwives in both countries! I’ve taken it religiously since moving up here, my husbands whole family has taken it, well, for forever; and my babies started on it from birth. I was advised to start out with rubbing a little on my nipples once a day before nursing. After they were weaned (about 2ish) I started them on half a teaspoon a day, and a full teaspoon by first grade, I take a tablespoon each day.

I have to hide my gag reflex every time - but my kids literally beg for it. Once, when my youngest was about 4 and his sister 5, they snuck into the fridge to steal the bottle, guzzled half of it and smeared the rest all over their bodies. Freaked out and called the hospital - apparently it happens all the time and they would be fine, just to skip it for a month or two 😂 Mind you this is the unrefined SMELLY oil too, not the wimpy lemon stuff I have to take and still can’t stand 😅
Oh and I found it actually really helped with keeping my nipples in good shape, I’ve also heard from other mums here it’s great for acne, but I’m not brave enough to start letting my face smell like that 😂
@warriorprincess4life This is amazing! Thank you for the information:) I’m going to start taking it too! Seems to have so many health benefits. Would you say that 1/2 a teaspoon is appropriate for a 6 month old? That’s the serving size on the bottle I have. Not sure if I should do that daily or perhaps less?
@mikeintrouble It’s usually recommended to wait until 1 years to give full doses now, but a little on the finger or nipple is a good start for getting them acclimated to the taste and a little mini dose of a few drops. The government’s recommendation here in Norway used to be 5ml per day from 5 weeks old, but it’s changed in the past few years to “baby doesn’t need it before 1 year if they’re breastfeeding and the mother has sufficient vitamin D, might be too much vitamin A/DHA in the first year.”

I would recommend the mini dose as a start until they’re on 50% or more solids! It’s a good way to ensure they become acclimated and a little boost should your milk be a bit low in those vitamins - but also a good strategy is to take it yourself! That will all go into the milk at the “right” dosage, according to our maternity aftercare, so it’s the safest option.

And then make sure you out that stuff high up and way out of reach when they’re older 😂
I have to hide my gag reflex every time - but my kids literally beg for it. Once, when my youngest was about 4 and his sister 5, they snuck into the fridge to steal the bottle, guzzled half of it and smeared the rest all over their bodies. Freaked out and called the hospital - apparently it happens all the time and they would be fine, just to skip it for a month or two 😂 Mind you this is the unrefined SMELLY oil too, not the wimpy lemon stuff I have to take and still can’t stand 😅

This is hilarious! I can't even imagine wanting to do that, lol. Kids are wild!
@mikeintrouble I've been taking it myself for years, my oldest kid (almost 8) takes it, my middle kid has refused it in any form for a few years now, my toddler will take it if I disguise it in something. I usually get either the orange or cinnamon kind, I've used both Green Pastures and Rosita. It's pricey, but one bottle lasts for ages (the liquid)
@mikeintrouble We did Nordic naturals when she was a toddler with the liquid when she got down to only nursing a couple times a day (I was taking DHA throughout pregnancy and nursing). She used to ask for it so it was a hit. Now she's on their chewable DHA gelcaps in the max dosage.