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My baby is 15 weeks, so I know I have many many moons before this concern. However, I received ads about toddler beds enough times that I question if the pack n play will be enough.

Originally when I received it, I thought I could use it until 3 or 4 for sleepy time. The ad made me wonder when kids are suppose to have a bed. From what Google has provided, it said babies should transition to a bed between 15 months to 3 years old.

I currently have a daybed that is both a guest bed and future child’s bed for baby. I assume she will be ready for the daybed when she is 5, or at least the roll out with guided supervision. Didn’t even consider getting a toddler bed until this ad, and thought my original idea of transitioning from pack n play to bed for night sleeping would not be an issue.

From your personal experiences or just knowledge, what are your thoughts on toddler beds? Even thoughts on transitioning from pack n plays to a bed?
@chocolatesquare We went from a cot to a single bed at around 2.5. It has a little thingamibob on the side to stop her rolling out. She was getting a bit too big for the cot as she is tall. She could have stayed in there a bit longer, we just happened to find a big bed we liked.

One issue to consider with a pack and play is can it tip over if your child tries to climb out. Will it be safe from that aspect.

Another option is put the mattress from the day bed you already have on the floor as a transition.

In my opinion there is no need for a specific toddler bed. Minimise the need to buy furniture you will use for such a short time.
@chocolatesquare Toddler beds, IMO, are if you have a crib that converts or dont have the space for a twin. We transitioned our 2yo on his 2nd bday from crib to twin bed and he has never slept better!. We just couldnt justify buying a bed just to have to buy another in a year or 2
@chocolatesquare A pack and play is going to be too small by around age 2. Plenty of kids start climbing out of cribs at 18 months -2 years, and pack and play are even easier to get out of

However you could just put the daybed mattress on the floor until the child is old enough to use the bed with a rail. Many kids use a rail for safety in a regular height bed for years.
@chocolatesquare My kid definitely outgrew the limits of the pack n play pretty fast - by age 1. We went from crib to toddler bed at age 2, a lot of people now go to a fuller sized bed. We didn’t because his room is small, and I wanted to give him as much space as possible for as long as possible.
@glendavidson The daybed is in the room she is in. She hasn’t slept in the same room with someone since she was 4 weeks old. Part of it is because my Mom flew back home and the other part is that my honey’s work performance was being effected. The later we couldn’t afford, so we kept her in the guest room/her bedroom.

We only live in a 2 bedroom apartment and have used the baby monitor regularly. She has rarely woken us up at night since she was 6 weeks old, and was told to let her be at her 2 month check up.

So if we get a toddler bed in the future, it would be sharing the same space as the daybed. Likely it would sit where the pack n play is now. (Baby is currently using the crib part, she outgrew the bassinet recently)