Thinking about going full formula


New member
Hi all, im writing this close to tears, but i’m honestly over pumping. I was hoping to give my LO at least some breastmilk especially during RSV and flu season, but I got a bad cold last week myself and im literally yielding 0.5 oz each pump session (yes, both boobs) now.

I’m taking all the supplements, eating a o much oatmeal, etc…

My LO stopped latching on altogether at the end of November when she was 4 months.

Please be kind, friends. I’d love to hear about anyone who might’ve gone through the same thing.
@chaz1268 I just made this same decision two days ago and it was NOT easy. My LO is 4 weeks. He was super inconsistent with latching and he and I would both get so frustrated. I started pumping and also supplementing with formula. I hate pumping - I felt like all I was doing was feeding, pumping, washing pump parts, repeat.

The other day, LO was awake and alert and it was also time for me to pump. I said screw it. I would rather spend time bonding with him than be attached to a pump. Going full formula has alleviated so much stress around pumping and maintaining a pumping schedule. I feel like I actually have time to bond with my child.

You’re NOT alone. 🖤
@chaz1268 Me! I had a traumatic postpartum experience which has left me weak and on medication. I was super excited about breastfeeding for so long and with the changes as being a new mom and my medication and health issues, breastfeeding was just too much for me. I was not producing enough and it also left me discouraged. Finally last week i decided to stop pumping and exclusively formula feed. It has saved my sanity.
@martijae Thank you so much sharing 🥹 ah, that sounds so tough, but I’m so glad you made that decision and it has helped you immensely. Sending good vibes and love!
@chaz1268 Me! Had horrible c section pain and quit after 3 or so weeks… I was nursing and topping off with formula so I have no idea what my supply was but I can tell you 0.5 is more than what I got on a pump. Honestly, once I decided to switch to formula my mental health took a complete turn and I immediately wanted to go somewhere with my baby and husband lol before that it was all about breastfeeding in public and pumping schedule, it’s just not for me and we’re so much happier and more free with formula. I love making my babies pitcher of formula and dividing it into his bottles, it’s like my little routine.
@chaz1268 I didn’t nurse but I did pump. It took a huge toll on my mental health. I was already at risk for PPA/PPD and I knew I would formula feed but I felt so pressured to give him breast milk. Sometimes I still feel guilty going full formula but then I remind myself that I highly doubt that any child that has grown up hates their mom bc they weren’t breast fed.
@chaz1268 This sounds like my situation, except you’ve already lasted longer than me. Nothing helped boost supply and pumping was driving me to insanity, especially never seeing much per session. I stopped when she was 9 weeks. Husband was back at work, I just couldn’t sustain it anymore. Give yourself permission to stop. I feel a lot better mentally now and my body seems to be going back to normal a little faster now that I’ve stopped lactating.
@chaz1268 I had to stop after a few weeks. I wanted to EBF but I wasn’t producing enough and the baby’s weight was dropping too much. I tried triple feeding and that wrecked my mental health. It was all too much so I switched to formula. The baby is thriving and I’m doing much better - phew !
@chaz1268 Me! I had planned to breastfeed but my LO wasn't latching. He'd constantly fall asleep. I saw the LCs at the hospitals and a lactation nurse. Never transferred anything at all 3 appts. Finally saw an IBCLC that told us he had a pretty severe tongue tie and lip tie. Got them released at one month which helped bottle feeding immensely and tried pumping, but by that time he was already eating like 28 oz/day and I was only getting 8 oz max. I also quit at 2 months. Some moms may have kept pumping at that amount and I seriously applaud them. For me though, it wasn't worth it. It stressed me out: thinking about my next pump, washing parts, getting discouraged by how little I was producing. My husband was constantly having to feed him because I was always pumping.

My LO is 5.5 months now and he is a very happy, healthy baby. I am a happy mommy. I spend my time playing and cuddling with him. I love his smile. I'm never stressed out over feeding him. The most I worry about is making formula once a day and washing bottles.

Breastfeeding is so hard and they really don't tell you shit about it. Pumping is also super hard. You don't understand how hard it is until you're trying and you're like wtf is wrong with me??? It's frustrating.
@brightmoon I could have written your beginning story nearly exactly, but I kept driving myself insane power pumping a d taking all the supplements in the second/third month and went from 8oz to 16oz. In case you couldn't tell, I wrecked my mental health and now here I am at 3mo seeking reddit validation to just quit already! You made the right choice.
@chaz1268 Yes! I got sick mid-December and the same thing happened to me. Pumping was already so stressful and shitty, and then not even getting much out of it was the last straw. I gave it 3 weeks to see if my supply would come back up, and it didn't, so I moved to full formula now in Jan. It's easy from the outside to say "of course it's fine to transition! Why would you put yourself through so much when you can just use formula?" But it was a very emotional decision for me and I've cried lots about it.

Also - look up post-weaning depression. Weaning, whether voluntary or not, does a number on your hormones which can lead to depression and mood swings and make you feel way worse about everything (ask me how I know lol).

Give yourself space to grieve the breastfeeding journey you thought you would have, you and your baby will be okay ❤️
@chaz1268 I planned on combo feeding for the first 3 months. But in the immediate PP period, I struggled to keep up my supply because I was barely sleeping, eating, or staying hydrated. I stopped nursing altogether because he wasn't getting enough and just pumped, and then my pumping sessions would barely yield anything so the more he needed to eat, the less percentage of BM he was getting. Around 4 weeks I decided due to the mental stress of everything as a newborn, and his dad going back to work, I wasn't going to add another stressor. We've been EFF since 5.5 weeks and he's been fine and I have been so relieved to not have just one more thing to stress about with BF/pumping.

My advice to you is: don't feel like you need permission or a "valid excuse" to switch to EFF. And don't feel like a failure because it didn't work out. Feed your baby how it best works for you and him. He's going to be fine either way.
@chaz1268 I was so excited to breast feed and was convinced my baby would be exclusively breast fed. Unfortunately milk never came in, I tried EVERYTHING even met with professionals. It got to the point that I was crying pouring what little splash I had into his formula bottles, this went on for like an entire month!

At my 6 week OB follow up, I was basically in absolute tears talking about breastfeeding journey. my doctor said look up at the wall. What do you think all of us have in common? (Pictures of successful doctors in her practice along with her). She told me that all of them were formula fed and they talk about how overhyped breastfeeding is constantly.

It was the most freeing feeling shoving that stupid pump in my closet when I got home, and I’m a better mom for it.

Breast feeding is great if your body cooperates but when it doesn’t, full permission to feed your baby in whatever way that makes everyone happy. A happy mom is more important than boob juice lol
@chaz1268 I pumped for 4 months and my supply slowly dwindled. The last two weeks I’d get 3 or less ounces from the whole day. I stopped and I was sad even had dreams about pumping.

Months later I was having a really good day and I thought about pumping and couldn’t even imagine fitting it in my schedule. I was so glad I stopped. Its worth every penny I spend on formula. Yeah it would be nice to have the antibodies for flu/RSV season but trust me it will be okay! Good luck!! Your baby will be happy and healthy on formula!
@kenitay just learned from my pediatrician today that RSV antibodies don't transfer via breast milk and transfers directly through placenta. so yeah there's that