They're here!


New member
At 34 + 3, di/di boys came by c-section yesterday on 4/20/2024 (yes my husband is a 13yo boy at heart and yes he was excited).

Two weeks of contractions that kept going down from 10 to finally 5 minutes apart, anti-contraction meds, a round of bethametasone for their lungs, and then finally the loss of mucus plug on Friday morning. Went to L & D with back spasms and shortness of breath on Saturday morning and was 4cm dilated with worsening pre-eclampsia.

C-section took a total of 45 minutes to an hour and happened after us being at the hospital for maybe 3 hours prior to it. Baby A came out swinging at almost 6lbs and Baby B was at 4lbs on the dot, 17in and 16in respectfully. Both crying and breathing on their own! 🥰

Both babes now in NICU and on feeding tubes but no other interventions!!! I fully credit the steroid shots for their strong little lungs, parents to be please don't skip this if it's offered!!! 😍

I love this community, I don't think I would have made it mentally without y'all these last 8 months. Congratulations to everyone else who have their little miracles and a big "you got this!" to those still waiting!
@aleesha Congratulations!! My boys were born yesterday too and my husband has also been making jokes about the date 😂 Hope everything goes well with your recovery and NICU stay!
@mhil43 It's a palindrome day too though so that's neat! 4202024 is the same forward and backward. They'll just always have to include the 24 when making like emails or usernames haha 😆
@aleesha Congratulations mama 🎉🎉👏🏻 you did it, must have been such a relief and happiness to see them.

if you don't mind can you share your c section experience a bit more in detail? How big of an incision did they make, how is your recovery going? Also an update on nicu stay duration.

I took the steroid shot recently as a precaution, but was still thinking was it really necessary, thanks for validating the need.

I am scheduled to deliver between May 6 to 16, depending on how I progress! Both anxious and excited at the same time.
@mysticjim Recovery is going okay so far! I actually got out of bed today and was free of any IV leads and catheters and such. I haven't seen the incision myself but it's basically hip to hip. They will most likely be here at least a week.
@aleesha Ohhh great to hear you are recovering well, and thank you for responding even when you are in hospital.
I hope you get to take home your babies soon !