"The Wagon Stroller Will be a Waste of Money Without a Sibling..."


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So, I am 100% one and done. My husband really wants more kids (after the same fashion as a boy who begged for a puppy and then left his parents with all the real work :-/ ) , but I can tell you there is a 0.000% chance of that ever happening, and it is a direct result of how utterly unfairly my husband treated me regarding both division of labor and division of new financial responsibility after our son's birth. ...Man I kind of don't want to re-hash all of it.

...But it was shit, it was the worst time of my life. I low-key think he was intentionally trying to make it as hard for me as possible so that I would quit my full-time job and be stay at home. That's truly how I feel about it. I've asked him to go to counseling with me, but he's adamantly refused.

And I've told my husband that he should have no delusions that I would ever have another child, and that if he's not fine with that, he will have to find someone else to make more children with. Well, he still makes little passive aggressive remarks... that he wants to make some siblings.

Anyhow, anyhow. Last night my three year old kiddo and I were on the computer looking for a wagon stroller for him to ride in when we hang out at the mall together.

My husband...this man actually said that it would be MORE ECONOMICAL to...MAKE A WHOLE NOTHER CHILD...than too have a wagon stroller for one child. X,D Oh man...I can't...I actually can't. I just cannot...that's too funny. Like somehow the nonsensicalness of the whole idea...almost gives me a sort of euphoric sense of relief...at the fact that DEFINITELY nothing like that is going to happen. X,D


Like...yeah...make a whole additional $300,000 life-time commitment... and also experience the worst physical pain known to man again, and live on two hours of sleep a night for two years...so that we don't waste money on a $150 stroller that's slightly roomy X,D Oh man...that's rich.

Ok guys, but... my marital issues aside, don't you think it will be so cool that my son will have lots of room in his wagon for his games and toys while we wheel around on our mall adventures? Because I really think that's gonna be the absolute tits.
@snpdoll11 We have a wagon for our only. It's awesome. Since she doesn't have to share the room, she actually brings a pillow and lays down in it half the time and looks like a tiny Cleopatra, lounging as her servants pull her around 😂 Its also great for all of the stuff that you have to drag around with a kid.
@ashley83miller A tiny Cleopatra! X,D I love it!! You know, another thing that will be great about this stroller is: my son has a bunch of food allergies, to EXTREMELY COMMON foods, like milk and peas.

So, we run the risk of anaphylaxis if he say, sits at a dirty chair in the food court, and sits in a rental stroller that someone spilled a milkshake on. So you know...basically he's a bubble boy.

But a wagon stroller will give him his own safe little spot to chill and eat and everything!
@snpdoll11 Oh my gosh, my daughter is allergic to peas too! I never even knew that could be an allergy before she showed it.

But yeah we’ve got peas, eggs, and dog saliva as full blown allergies, and then intolerances to milk and potatoes. Yikes.
@snpdoll11 What a great point! If it’s helpful, we just got my son a little foldable booster seat at Target the other day for $28. It can sit on the ground like a tiny camp chair or be strapped onto a regular chair. It has a detachable little tray too!
@ashley83miller We always took ours to the zoo. Lots of room for everything you need for the day. He started pulling it himself around 3/4. Now that he is 6 and walks the whole time we sold it so it worked out.
@ajfoyt I mean, depending on the area, sure. I live in a really nice suburb of Kansas City, beautiful area with great schools, and that’s the average cost of a home here.
@snpdoll11 I helped my dad raise his kids from his second marriage and I love them so much that I ALWAYS thought I’d be a two, maybe three, kinda parent. Then our one-and-only came along and, as much I sincerely adore my husband, it become almost immediately clear that I would never in a million years have another child with him. I can hold it down with just us three, but it will be a freezing cold day in hell before I consider a second. Luckily, he seemed to catch on to that pretty quickly and the question of whether or not I wanted to try for a girl went the fuck away.

One. And. Done.

But that wagon sounds baller and I want one for me and my little bubba 🥰
@snpdoll11 We have a wagon stroller for out one and it is AWESOME.

Haven’t taken it anywhere inside because I’m self conscious of the size, but for parks and such there is nothing better
@naliorf I could totally see being self-conscious of the size but...the way I even learned of wagon strollers is by seeing a lot of people with them in the mall. So, when in Rome I suppose!

The mall also rents out some kind of giant strollers for ten bucks a pop, and actually I think they're a bit bigger/more cumbersome than the wagon strollers.