The key to having a baby is not to stress about having a baby [F29]

@dianna Those comments from people just piss me off. Do you tell them off? I would tell them that I already did that, let go of everything and was extremely *R*E*L*A*X*E*D* for five months or so, but it did absolutely no-thing. Maybe, since they know so much more about this than we do (...), they could inform me what I'm doing wrong? Was it maybe the sixth month of relaxing that would have finally done it? Or was I relaxing in the wrong way? Were we using the wrong position while "relaxing"?
@highonluna My fertility doctor told me at our consultation that stress affecting getting pregnant is not real. Stress is just stress. It affects you and isn’t fun. No one enjoys being stressed, and we all want to be relaxed every day. De-stressing will help you feel better in general, but it doesn’t have any bearing on whether you’re going to get pregnant or not.
@highonluna Omg, the number of people who tell you to go on vacation and get magically pregnant. Or tell the amusing anecdote of the person they know who stopped trying after years and magically got pregnant…. It’s infuriating.

I might start asking those people to fund my next vacation so I can test out their advice 😂

Also, never in the history of being stressed, has it ever been helpful to be told to “just relax” or “stop stressing out.”
@newilya Right?! What drives me insane too is that yeah, some people do get pregnant on vacation or after they stopped trying but what about all those that don't! Some people stop trying and pregnancy doesn't happen because they've stopped trying. Its a dangerous thing to tell people tbh.
@highonluna I keep hearing it too. I have to plan at least a little of when to have sex because my husband works night shift and there have been times in my fertile window that I will not see him if I don’t have him wake me up in the middle of the night to bang. “You’re thinking about it too much”. No, Janet, I can’t just have sex whenever I want for it to work, there have to be SOME logistics involved.

And also, if women could only get pregnant when we weren’t stressed the human race wouldn’t exist. People still got pregnant in times of war, famine, abusive relationships, non-consensual sex. Stress is not a limiting factor thank you.
@highonluna Yup it's the "just don't think about it and worry so much!" comments. like ah yes let me just forget about the thing I care about the most right now. if I only i could switch my feelings to the same autonomy breathing gets and forget about everything.

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