the changes between 6-9 months range has been insane!!!


New member
and i miss my teensy baby. i look back in the early days and think about how much i was struggling, that i didn't soak in the newborn moments like i could have.

i miss the days of my daughter being STILL! she's 8.5 months and is standing (newest milestone), crawling, getting into everything! from 6-9 months the new milestones have been so big, i feel like she's growing too fast 😭

i'm also so excited for this new stage. she'll be 1 in august, and i'm so sad. but i know it'll be so fun. her little personality has already been shining. she'll crawl to me if she has a poopy diaper. she is so interested in food. she turns her head when she hears her name or my nickname for her (i'm sure she just recognizes my tone of voice). she holds her arms above her head and goes "yaaaaaay". so many different things. she's not my little potato anymore.

yall were NOT lying when you say the first year goes by in a blink. i love my daughter so much, i hope these last 3 months of being an infant go by a little slower.
@justicem The first 3 months was the longest phase for me. Every day felt like it was a year long. Then I blinked and now my son is turning 3 this year. Once you're out of the newborn phase everything just zips by

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