Teen turning 18 in a few years! 😱


New member
What are your thoughts on kicking your teens out when they turn 18?

Does the decision change depending on whether they are attending college/tech school or not?

What new dynamics/boundaries have you set with your new adults?

I'm not telling you about my specific teen because I don't want that to influence your responses.

Edit: For the record, I simply realized I haven't thought about this. I haven't done anything either way. Just gathering opinions.
@corydm27 We're in the middle of a housing crisis in our city. A single bedroom apartment under 500 square ft is 2 grand/month.

My kid can stay home until he can actually afford to not be homeless.
@tomkuruz1212 This right here.

How can kids these days even afford to move out?

What we want as parents for our kids is a successful launch for them (where they can be able to sustain themselves financially and pay for their housing, food and clothes) not a launch directly into homelessness.
@corydm27 Kicking them out? No. They can stay as long as they want. Housing is beyond expensive. My kid is still on the fence about choosing college or going to a technical school. Even if they decide to move out and had to move back home, the door is always open.

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