Talking to my 6 y.o

@goldenmindset side note…what about getting her a google or facebook screen that uses the same facetime concept except it follows you around the room? that way she can play while she’s talking to you and it can be interactive for her. my brother got one for my parents and thats how they interacted with their grandkids far away
@goldenmindset I just want to add that even if she doesn’t want to talk you’re building consistency with her and showing up. As she does get older this will be valuable and she will inherently know you’re always there for her to talk to. It’s the effort you put in now that will pay off as the years go by.
You don’t need to look at each individual call as a success or failure. The overall benefits are in you just showing up and her seeing that as she begins to think more deeply about the relationship you guys have.

Good luck !
@goldenmindset I have been working for a year to do away with scheduled FaceTime calls with my son (8). Of course I would love to see his face everyday, but he finds the calls disruptive and forced, and so do I. Like you mentioned, he is usually distracted when I call, and I’m left feeling underwhelmed.

My feeling is whatever is in the best interests of the child. If the child is complaining about them and not engaged, then certainly their voice should be heard.

My “coparent” is absolutely impossible to work with, and refuses to entertain any alternative solution.
@flowerinthefield I’m sorry to hear you’re going through it too. It’s tough to deal with the situation when the co-parent is difficult.

You’re not alone in the feeling in both being underwhelmed and frustrated by the ex. It can have an effect on my mental health on days where it feels like I’m unable to be an involved parent. However, we’ll have to carry on and keep fighting the good fight for our kids.
I appreciate all of your inputs. There’s definitely some good ideas, but most of all I appreciate the support from those of you who have been in my shoes. It makes me less alone and powerless in the situation.