Talking to my 6 y.o

@goldenmindset Don’t take it personally, she is only 6. However if you want the FaceTimes to be more successful and meaningful then you will need to make them more engaging for her. Read a book, sing songs, play with toys, tell a wild and wacky story and get her to act it out with her toys. And sometimes you will just have to accept that she wants to run off and play instead
@goldenmindset I only have two weekly calls aside from my 1/3 parenting time and in Court trying to get Zoom calls. His mom distracts him and signals him to end the call over and over. My strategy ( besides trying to get an Order re Zoom calls at our next Court date) is simply too engage him with things that interest him and distract him from his mom's antics. I sometimes even have a list in front of me of reminders of certain things that he will engage with ie remember last week when blah blah and then he responds and its a few more minutes. At this age, it is just building the process of more and more time until it is part of the childs existance. Do not give up and persist, persist and then persist.