Talking out his ass

I have mentioned on her before that I am a mom of two and I go to school. I have been telling my husband that I am tires of going to school and having him worry about money, I just want to help. He says to me "if you really wanted to be done you would have stayed up countless nights, getting g it done i know you always get mad when I say that" Instead of yelling at him like I really wanted I just said " No I just think k you shouldn't be talking about shit you don't know." On top of that it's our daughter's fist birthday and he had a 24 shift with the army. He comes home talking about how tires he is and doesn't want to do anything but he's playing video games and drink on his couch. Instead of just going to the store so I can at least make her a cake. I'm so fucking frustrated I don't even think I'm making sense.
@staystrongforhim07 Army vet here. Been a SAHP since I got out in '14 also have been going to school since I got out. It's hard. Really hard. I'm still working on my associates after more than 3 yrs at a community college. What you're feeling is totally understandable. Having done both I can tell you that for me being the SAHP and student is way harder. Good luck to you. Don't give up!
@staystrongforhim07 I have threatened to take away my husband's video games so much it's not funny....I am honestly surprised I haven't actually done it already. Maybe reach out and get marriage counseling. Consider setting expectations together. Like maybe you want to make a cake but he would prefer to just buy one, I'm sure they sell nice frozen one at the commissary for under 10 bucks. Find other areas to compromise on. Utilize the marriage counseling available though the army. If you are like me I found training the kids to wake up daddy helped force him to actually go to bed at a decent hour but I don't like suggesting this because I don't know everyone situation.
@staystrongforhim07 Please don’t listen to his suggestion you should pull all nighters while taking care of your kids. I didn’t have kids when I was in college and all nighters led me to sleep deprivation to the point it altered my personality and I almost fell asleep driving at points, having to slap myself to stay awake. You can’t do that and take care of your kids safely. It’s going to take you a bit longer, but it’ll be worth it in the end!