Talk me in or out of an additional baby carrier


New member
Ok, we have the following:

-Baby K’tans. My husband likes his, I hate mine. Baby likes it.

-Sakura Bloom ring sling-I use this every day to go on walks/get stuff done around the house. Baby likes it.

-inherited Lillebaby of some sort that I haven’t really explored yet.

Baby is 5 weeks old. I am interested in a Happy Baby carrier but maybe I’m just bored and want to buy stuff? I really like the ease of the ring sling but maybe as he gets bigger/heavier it won’t always be the best option? I kind of want a second ring sling but that is almost certainly just me wanting to buy stuff for myself 😂

My mom will be helping out with childcare once I start back to work. Baby likes being worn and likes going on walks. Mom likes going on walks. See where I’m going with this? Mom can’t always get my dog’s harness on correctly so if she is going to wear baby it needs to be REALLY easy.

So what do y’all think? Could mom manage the Happy Baby? Will I want an additional carrier? Am I just wanting to buy stuff I don’t need?

@veronicaplr I deliberated for 3 months before buying Happy Baby Carrier. Now I regret why I didn’t buy it three months earlier. IMO it is the easiest, convenient and most comfy carrier out there. If in doubt you can join their FB group for more questions or there is a small company that lets you try them for $30ish before you buy the actual one. I would suggest you to buy it and you won’t regret the purchase.
@veronicaplr What you are experiencing is SO normal when you get into babywearing! I had to stop myself from buying carriers and wraps because I can only use so many. I decided I would rather have a couple that I used ALOT than spend hundreds on multiple ones that I used occasionally.

Lillebaby's are great carriers! I found ring slings difficult to wear for a longer period of time when my kids got heavier, I could never feel balanced and didn't like losing function of one arm. I haven't used a Happy Baby. Your mum should be able to figure out a Lillebaby, it's pretty simple in the realm of babywearing/carriers.