Can we talk about water beads?

@holytrinity Excellent point. My friend put them in a separate bag so I didn’t see any labeling. That being said, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them often used for sensory activities - though that’s human error obviously. It still seems chaotic to sell them at a toy store. We all know people suck at reading labels.
@holytrinity Sometimes it’s this, and sometimes it’s a situation where a younger sibling who wasn’t allowed to interact with them finds one that was forgotten/lost during clean up. Things can happen in an instant.
@usernamednameduser Thank you for the PSA. My son was gifted water beads for his birthday last year and I put them in the closet as we hadn’t gotten around to using them yet. After reading all of these comments I’m going to throw them out. Thank you again.
@usernamednameduser Orbeez came out and got popular when I was in elementary school and my mom immediately placed a ban on them in our household. As a kid I thought that it was so unfair, but now as someone in her shoes I totally get it. They are also permanently banned from my house as well. I get why they're fun for kids, but they're just way too dangerous
@usernamednameduser I'm so sorry. I am glad your niece is okay. Water beads should NEVER be sold - too many people either don't know the dangers or think their kid will be fine and will know not to eat them. They probably look like candy to a small kid and you may not even know they've eaten one until it's too late.
@usernamednameduser They should not be given to children who don't understand the dangers and should also be kept away from pets.

In most cases I think an ingested one would pass, it isn't like they just grow and grow and grow but there is always that horrible chance something really terrible could happen or God forbid a child ingest multiple beads.
@usernamednameduser Living in a major metro area I took my LO to regular ER and they were useless. If at all possible, go to Children's Emergency / Urgent Care. ER doctors are great but they're generalists and not usually highly effective with pediatric cases beyond basics.