Supporting big families

@meraki No worries. I always feel like people should be more open about how much they make.

Normally, I’m a secondary math teacher and my wife is a director at an accounting firm.
@meraki Divorced with 4 kids, I'm in IT and side-gig as a firefighter. Ex wife was a career student, SAHM a bit, or a waitress/server, depending on the year. She was in law school when our marriage blew up and is now a lawyer.
@meraki We have 3 kids ( 7,5,2) & I’m currently pregnant with our 4th and final baby. I’m a Registered Nurse (only working part time) and my husband is an HVAC tech.
@meraki SAHM for now and husband is a software developer. We have a 9,7, and 13m. Not sure if we want one more bc of previous pregnancy complications. I used to work as a medical technologist and may go back once the youngest is in school.
@meraki I'm a pharmacy dispenser and my partner works in customer service for a transport company (night shifts). We only have two at home at the moment (8 and 3) with one living with my ex husband (15) because they wanted to go to a school in his city and two living independently-ish (18 and 20). I used to do a extra evening job when there were a ton of teens eating us out of house and home!
@meraki SAHM and my husband is a stockbroker. He works remotely in the evenings so we get to spend a lot of the day together during the toddler’s waking hours. Only have 1 now and 1 otw (20 months apart) but planning 4+ so I’m lurking. Our lifestyle and income will definitely work for 4+ kids. Surprisingly not a difficult field to get into, you don’t need a background in finance (though it helps) because virtually everything you need to know, they train you on in your first year or so. He made 6 figures 2 years after graduating so we started our family young and intentionally.
@meraki We only have 3- we were looking at a larger family hence my presence here, but I've been advised against future pregnancies due to complications related to my bleeding disorder. We could afford several more with me being a SAHM and definitely a whole lot more if I went back to my legal career, so long as we don't lead especially extravagant lifestyles- we still go on trips a few times a year and can afford all needs and most wants, but we have to budget somewhat.

He's a postal worker. We get a yearly COLA as per the contract, as well as yearly step increases that come with a raise, so this is an ideal situation for someone who starts young and thus can reach the upper end of the pay scale early. It's still one of those jobs where someone without a higher education or a trade education can be set up if they put in the time and are willing to do a physical job, and we're very grateful for it.