@meraki We are expecting kids 6&7 in March. Financially, I stay home and do lots of saving money-we homeschool our kids and live on a farm so we grow lots of food, have chickens, etc but also our utilities are minimal. I also mend lots of play clothes, cook almost everything from scratch, buy all of our food in bulk, etc. We have always had minimal expenses-bought vehicles with cash and made investments toward things that reduce future expenses. For example, last year we paid for a woodstove and haven't needed to use our furnace yet this year, which has been amazing especially with energy prices. So we are really fortunate to have a good base of security as far as that goes.
My husband farms full time. Sometimes money is tight but through his financial guidance and the fact that we will never go hungry with what we can grow/harvest around here, we've been able to just tighten our belts and make do. I would also be remiss if I didn't give credit to his family for helping us get established when we were first starting out, but we've been able to steward those things toward more financial independence.
We have a smallish house-three kids bedrooms, no huge living spaces, etc. We do drive a very nice 12 passenger van that we were able to purchase with cash when we sold our other house and moved. But we don't go on huge vacations, we don't buy expensive fun things (unless they are for the farm), and we try to make every decision with long term financial stability in mind. This is easy for us as this suits both of our personalities, but it may be more difficult for some people.