Super proud of my little human tonight


New member
My daughter L is 9, and tonight she had her best friend, H, over who is also 9. H is our next door neighbor and spends a lot of time at our house, we love having her around.

Tonight H had a number 2 type of accident. Like, a need-new-pants-oh-god-it's-everywhere type of accident. L took her to the bathroom, convinced H to let her tell me, and asked me for help. H was understandably really embarrassed and wanted to take care of it herself. So I equipped L with plastic bags, paper towels, and cleaning spray to take to H and told her to put the dirty paper towels in one bag and bring me the shorts in the other.

After L brought her the supplies, H cleaned up the bathroom herself (at her own insistence). L brought me the soiled shorts, got H clean clothes, and took the dirty cleaning stuff out to the dumpster. H requested that I tell NO ONE about the accident, and I agreed cause I mean.... I wouldn't wanna tell anyone either!

I just really wanted to post and say how proud I am of my daughter. She helped her friend, empathized with her, treated her with kindness and respected her requests for privacy in a difficult situation. All while keeping a parent in the loop for help and advice. I don't think she could have handled it any better and it makes my heart happy that she is such a good friend.
@katrina2017 Yeah, I’m sure being in her shoes was really difficult tonight. But it didn’t ruin the evening, they kept hanging out like nothing happened!
@soni80 Your child is the kind of friend everyone wants but rarely gets—which means you must be an AWESOME parent, because behavior like that is learned usually via watching the primary caregivers. You must be a wonderful parent and role model, and your child’s friend is going to remember this for the rest of her life and how beautifully human she was treated.
@jonnnyb Not even sure how to reply to this - thank you so much for your kind words. I try really hard to be a good parent, and like everyone else I worry if I’m doing it right. I appreciate your affirmations.
@fslovenec Totally coulda been dad - I'm confident he would have handled it the same way. Mama here though - I got tapped in because my partner had one of his friends over and they were visiting.
@soni80 That’s really awesome. All the way up to about 10 years old or so, I used to have a bunch of accidents peeing my pants when I laughed too hard. It could happen at any instance. I truly lacked control. All it took was enjoying a joke too much and then I was the joke. In one particular instance I was at another kids house for his birthday when it happened. I don’t even remember his name because we stopped being friends after how rudely his dad reacted when it happened. His mom wasn’t very nice either.

So kudos to your girl for being the advocate her friend needed. From my experience I’d say that’s pretty rare in a child at that age.
@soni80 It’s all good. I appreciate your kindness. I just chalked it up as a lesson learned as I’ll be entering parenthood by the end of the year. Honestly, I appreciate you sharing this story because I had kind of forgotten how hurtful it was between all the kids and adults that teased me about that. I’m still a few years away from something like that happening with my son, but it’s good to be reminded how being nice is more than simply waiting your turn.