Struggling to Make a Decision

@winddancersong I had low supply from the start and my daughter always fell asleep while nursing, so even if I had enough supply, she wasn't getting what she needed. We had to do two weeks of weigh ins at the pediatricians because she wasn't gaining weight. We were supplementing with formula and I was nursing and pumping, but I barely produced enough for one 4 oz bottle a day. Switching exclusively to formula saved my sanity and stopped most of my mom guilt. She's now 7 months old and doing so great!
@winddancersong I had a breast reduction when I was 16 (I'm 31 now) when my son was born in August I tried literally everything to increase my supply, like seriously you name it and I have tried it. It was so so stressful and honestly it made it so I couldn't enjoy my son. The most I was ever able to produce was 3 oz in 24 hours. At 5 weeks I threw in the towel because it just wasn't worth the stress. I felt guilty for a day a 2 but I quickly got over because I was finally able to enjoy my baby. My son has thrived on formula (99th percentile across the board). I have zero regrets. Good luck to you momma and congrats on the new baby!
@winddancersong My bird was in the NICU for a month and we couldn’t latch with a lot of practice so I exclusively pumped. It drove me insane. When she came home, I kept up at it but it was even harder. I went back to work at 7 weeks at a high power job, and I just couldn’t keep with with everything. I stopped at 4 months and it was the best decision I’ve made so far.
@winddancersong Do both! We nurse and supplement with formula. The nursing is super beneficial for comfort and bonding, and even if he only gets a couple ounces of your liquid gold each day, it can be wildly beneficial to him. There’s no black and white answer. Do what works best for both of you!
@winddancersong A little late to this post and I haven't read others responses, but posts like these really speak to me. Don't ever feel guilty over not breast feeding. It's easier said than done, especially with all the pressure to BF from almost every source imaginable, but being a mom is so much more enjoyable without it.
My story: I had a c section and my milk came in late, so I had to supplement because my baby lost too much weight. My milk finally came in and baby latched instantly, but I hated breast feeding. I was trying to recover while having to be up every 2 hours to feed. My husband was supportive and helped but my mental health was taking a toll. For weeks I dealt with the struggle of trying to decide to keep BF or switch to formula. I felt all the guilt in the world for wanting to stop. Hours of tears and research and talking it out with family and friends. It was time wasted. Time I could have been happy with my baby.
At 6 weeks I saw my OB. She gave me the green light to stop. The permission I guess I needed in my head. She also told me the guilt will lighten when I stop because my estrogen will no longer be suppressed. (A fact I didn't consider) Of course when I finally decided to stop and let the guilt go, everything got easier. Including breast feeding, which I'm still doing and my baby is now 3 months old. But I will gladly be switching to formula once she starts teething or if my mental health falters again.
Babies thrive when they eat. Fed is best. Your mental health and happiness matters. If you don't want to BF don't. That's reason enough not too. If you want to BF, make sure you keep a support system because you already know the struggles that may come. Just try to remember you don't need to feel guilty and your baby will be happy and healthy with whatever you choose.
@winddancersong Porque no los dos?

I EFF my second until 5 weeks, when it became apparent that he does not tolerate formula well, so i started the process to relactate (i had dried my milk up at the beginning). Now he’s 14 weeks and has mostly breast milk with about 6-8oz formula, sometimes less and sometimes more. He’s a million times less gassy, not screaming in pain all the time and way happier. I dont know if i’ll ever have enough to give exclusively breast milk, which is the goal, but a little formula isnt going to be an issue with us.
@winddancersong I had a c-section and low supply (after all the tricks, supplements, food, sleep, strategies...) and had to begin supplement with formula at 1 week old due to dehydration :-(

I decided to quit pumping almost entirely after two months of pumping after almost every feed and getting at most 2oz a day pumped milk. Now, we breastfeed 4-6 times a day always supplemented by 4-6oz formula.

The pumping is what really stressed me out and just breastfeeding/formula has been much better. We had to go through about 10 formulas to find something that worked without hours of straining and grunting from baby and settled on Similac Alimentum RtF.

Power to you and whatever you choose is best for you and baby ❤️