Stop telling me I'm going to ruin my kids!


New member
Is anyone else tired of seeing Internet "articles" about all the ways you are setting your child up for failure? I feel like I'm bombarded by internet pieces that are claiming if I do (or don't do) A, B, or C then my toddler will be unable to do X, Y, or Z as an adult.
@whitebird It's clickbait garbage man, they're trying to make you mad so you'll open the link

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@whitebird Look those are lame af for making good parents like you feel bad. But I am immune to those because i literally don't see them. In two ways: I honestly don't come across that nonsense and if I did I would ignore it so completely that the effect would be as though i hadn't seen it.

What I'm saying OP is that you are right to think it's BS and I respectfully suggest that you give it even less attention because it has no merit.
@squeaker1 This. I kind of wonder if OP is clicking these things too to see what they are about and making the situation worse. I mean I never get any kinds of articles or blogs pushed on me like that. If the odd one comes across my feed I barely even notice it anymore. I just don't really care what other people think of my parenting. Everyone has an opinion on how to parent, if other people's opinions upset you then absolutely ignore it. It's not even worth taking offense over. As long as you feel confident in your parenting abilities and are being safe, then just think of it like white noise and filter it out.
@katrina2017 I second this, also may I recommend that you, OP, think critically about what it is you worry will "ruin" your children and look up proper scientific research and articles from reputable sources. Then think about whether what you are doing is "as bad" and move from there. Scaremongering is usually full of misinformation and unrealistic threats.
@ancientof I'm big on data driven and scientifically based information, so I don't click on any of the links. But these garbage articles still invade my "news" feeds daily and it drives me nuts.
@whitebird My oldest kid is 21 and my youngest is about to turn 1. The amount of things I routinely did with my older kids that are now “dangerous” according to current standards is laughable. Use common sense. Your kid will be ok
@tands411 The "rules" change at the drop of a hat. My sister has been told different things from one kid to another and they are only a few years apart.

Also, to at least put it in one comment: I'm not concerned about ruining my kids. I am annoyed that I have to scroll past link after link of unfounded garbage about parenting that I've never asked for.
@whitebird Yes. My advice is to stop engaging or you’ll get more. I just got fed an insta account that said not sleeping in the same bed as your kid until they’re SEVEN is detrimental for their development. It basically said it’s abusive to have them in their own room/bed. INSANITY.
@whitebird Oh man, tell me about it. I'm just now convinced that if you have children, and you take care of them and answer their needs in the best way possible, you're a good parent and you have good parenting skills. Done.
@whitebird Ughhh I'm just so over it. If the cdc or my pediatrician didn't say it, I try to disregard. It's so hard. Especially these influencers that make me feel like I'm not doing enough. I try to keep telling myself that quality time and love are the most important things.
@whitebird Yes and no. There’s no need for scare-mongering, but I certainly don’t mind hearing about studies that can help me do a better job. I just remember I’m doing my best