Started prenatals and it’s messed up my period


New member
Is this a thing? Since I started taking prenatals 2 months ago, both cycles since then have been out of whack.

Usually my cycles are 26 days and 5-6 days of bleeding starting with spotting.

I’m now day 20 of my cycle and have been spotting since yesterday. The same happened last cycle, my spotting started on day 20 instead of day 26… the only thing I can think that has changed this would be the prenatals? Could they be the cause?

I’m taking the Elevit prenatals once a day, I haven’t been able to find anything else about them affecting cycles so I have no idea what’s happening. We will be TTC in 5 months and I’m nervous that this has messed up my cycle and now I have no idea when I’m ovulating!!
@1astrokid1 thank you, that’s exactly what I was thinking but it’s the only thing I’ve changed in the past two months that I thought could be causing this to happen with my cycles 😬 will have a look into other brands
@ja1717 My first 2 months taking prenatals shortened my super regular cycle by 4 days. I had the same suspicion as you, so I stopped them and my cycle went back to it's regular length.

I'm ordering a new brand to try now, but it certainly made me nervous.
@sameoldme oh wow interesting! thank you for sharing this, I thought it would be really weird coincidence to not be from the prenatals when that’s the only thing that’s changed in my routine… I might give it another month and if it’s still weird I’ll stop them or go to the doc!
@ja1717 Full spectrum birth worker here :) Prenatals shouldn’t impact your cycle in any way. However, other factors could be at play, like a rise in cortisol as you anticipate staring to TTC. This is the stress hormone and unfortunately our bodies don’t do a wonderful job differentiating between excitement versus fight/flight/freeze.

I would recommend going for a pre TTC doctor’s appointment to cross those T’s and begin to do things to naturally increase oxytocin as you prepare for the new season of life. Movement that makes you feel grounded, hypnobirth exercises, breathe work, etc. Practice makes perfect so by the time you are TTC, or even pregnant (!!), you’ll feel more settled.
@cruise Wow thank you for your insight and taking the time to comment! I have done an appointment with my doctor for pre-conception blood tests etc but I might go back since this is happening just to get to the bottom of it and have everything sorted as you said. I’ve always suffered from anxiety and stressed and have never had it affect my period but maybe it’s because it’s to do with a whole new world of unknown things! Thank you :)

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