Something for Current/Potential SAH(M/D) to Remember


New member

I saw this in Instagram thought it was great for stay-at-home parents. Being a SAHP is your job while your partner is at work, when their working day ends you become a team again.

Don’t burn yourself out and don’t let anyone tell you your contribution is insignificant- you’re a nanny, chef, cleaner and run errands. Calculate how much it would cost if you were being paid to do them jobs for someone else. It’s not easier and you should be appreciated.


@brothermichael It is absolutely insane, unfair and hypocritical. It’s like they’re suddenly not partners who are supposed to support each other. You don’t stop doing chores etc when you get a job when you’re single, so why would you assume otherwise when your family grows. It’s baffling.
@stepmominpain Side bar, I love Zach’s content! His recent video about mom rage made me realize how often I don’t clarify expectations and how my husband and I both need to communicate better under stressful situations.
@stepmominpain this is so real and it's definitely something i didn't understand before having kids. i thought oh i'll handle the baby and he'll handle the working. very naive way of thinking, bordering on ignorant. when we had one kid for the first year i pretty much did do everything and finally had like a huge freakout when she was around 1 bc i couldn't deal with him not helping me or being as involved as i wanted him to be in childcare.

now that we have 2 kids it would be physically impossible for me to do this alone. i'm drowning every day and waiting for him to get home. he'll call me after work and say he's going to stop at the grocery store and i'm like no, please just come home. if we need something i'll go out and get it while you watch the kids, i cant do this anymore by myself. he never takes me up on that lol. we have a toddler and a baby, idk how people do this!!