Solo nap help

Hi all! I’m hoping you may have some gentle approaches to my nap issue. I’m not interested in nap training/CIO solutions if I can avoid it. So my 15 m/o will only nap on me. I rock her to sleep and when she fails asleep I attempt to transfer her. I used to be able to transfer but haven’t been successful for over a month 😬 I’ve been making the best of it (I read 4 books last month!) but I’m just worried about breaking this habitat (plus I’d love to spend those 2 hours alone or at least able to pee). Any gentle tips to get her to nap solo?
@drick We are bedsharing but have been discussing moving her to a floor bed. She won’t nurse to sleep anymore (probably a good problem to have) so I can’t roll away.
@jamesrawlings973 With the transfer, one thing that helped us a little was to lay our daughter down in the crib head first, and then lay the rest of her little body down. If you're not doing that then maybe try it?

Otherwise, the floor bed was awesome for us, and she was much easier to just sneak away from when we had to just slide her down next to us.
@jamesrawlings973 have you read the no cry sleep solution? it has lots of good ideas.

we didn't have this problem for naps but we did have it at night. it helped to spend lots of happy play time in the crib, have things for the tot to do in the crib (books and safe toys), and to read a book we made with photos of her staying in the crib all night and photos of things she could do if she wasn't sleeping. when she was older, we introduced an okay to wake clock.
@jamesrawlings973 She does now, but she didn’t at first. One day she just stopped falling asleep nursing and none of the other things worked either, so we didn’t have a choice but to put her in the crib awake.
@jamesrawlings973 Not totally applicable I know, but I would always nurse my LO to sleep with the nursing pillow, then transfer him and the pillow as a unit to the bed, then slip the pillow out. Sounds like adding more work, but it was honestly easier for us.