How are people moving their twins from place to place?

@shaz7 You can wear one and carry the other, or double wear (which I did in a moby wrap when they were that small). Mostly though, moving one at a time was the way to go.

I did eventually get used to picking up and putting down a baby while I was holding the other, but when they were so little and floppy, it made me nervous. Sometimes I would slide an arm under each baby, cradle their head in my hand, and then lift them both up onto each shoulder, but doing this only made sense if I had another flat surface to lay them both down on (like moving them from one spot on the floor to another, or just picking both up because they were both crying).

As a safety note, we wouldn’t carry both twins up and down the stairs without a hand free - just too much risk of slipping and having all of us tumble down the stairs.
@shaz7 To get from car to inside and vice versa, I had both in their infant carriers and would carry them in and out that way if I was alone.

For around the house, until they could hold their heads up, I often carried one and then went back for the other. I also had a weego twin carrier that I LOVED until they outgrew it. I used it multiple times a day for everything.
@shaz7 The Snugglebundl is so handy for this! It’s a baby swaddle with little handles so you can hold it like a purse and the baby sleeps inside like a hammock. I could carry both babies with one hand and move around the house no problem. The kids love it and sleep beautifully in it. Plus it makes picking them up and putting them down without waking them super easy. Highly recommend!
@shaz7 One at a time is much much safer, especially when you are in the fourth trimester and likely sleep deprived etc.

I cannot recommend this enough though: - these things SAVED my back and made picking them up without disturbing them so so much easier when they were little and squishy and floppy.
@shaz7 One arm around the middle of their backs. The other under their butts making a seat. You get pretty good at picking them up one handed. Sometimes there’s not a great option! 🙂
@shaz7 We had 2 cribs in their room, two bouncers in the lounge room, baby nest on the couch, a portacot near our doorway for putting them down before getting in the car, bassinet on wheels for moving then together or just one.

We would either leave one and carry the other or just push them around the house together. We have a single story and it's quite a long Australian house.

I have become quite adept at carrying them together. You really adapt with twins. Trial and error. You get creative 👍

To go to my multip birth playgroup, I put one baby in the carrier, backpack nappy back, and hold one to the side so I still have a hand free.