So bad it’s good?

@mimibooksia I didn’t think of that, but I did think of the movie The Legend of Billie Jean. Of course no one will really remember this movie by the time she’s old enough for it to matter, but such a kiss ass movie. One of my all time faves.
@chicagocgcet So nice to hear from somebody called Betty. In the end, it’s not about me (obviously) and I’m really worried about naming her something she won’t like. I don’t particularly like my name and I’d hate to do that to somebody else.
@cedward1 Betty is a nice old fashioned name! And definitely cute for a baby. But just imagine your teenage and then adult daughter named Betty (also would be a nice name for any age), but she’ll only be a baby for 2-3 years out of the 80-100 she’ll hopefully be alive for. Just make sure you like it for all the ages. 😊 I think it would be unique for her generation. I like it!
@cedward1 Beatrice is a good formal name with Betty as the nick name. I have a nickname and I actually love it. I know when someone calls and asks for me and I know them or it’s a scam/marketer. Helps me feel I can keep my business personal when I don’t know/trust people since they don’t know my legal name since I am only ever called by my nickname. I just personally like the option. Anyways congrats and good luck! Picking a name is the hardest thing (I am also considering Betty since it’s a family name for us).
@charlie24 If she wants the name to be Betty then there is no reason for have a formal name Elizabeth. I don’t understand the concept of needing a “full name” and how Betty isn’t a “full name.” I have an Aunt Betty, her name is just Betty. Similarly, my husband has an Aunt Peggy that I never knew for years her full name was Margaret as she literally never used this name and actually said it didn’t even feel like her name being that since the day she was born she has gone by Peggy. There’s no sense in having a long name just to use the nickname for your entire life.
@cedward1 I do always like a more formal name with nickname options — so child has more option as an adult what name they want to use in business settings.

I think it is nice for child to have options - rather than ONLY having an informal choice.

Betty or Bette or Bettie is a VERY cute & fun nickname but I would select a more formal name for the birth certificate.

How about
Beatrice ?

Beatriz ?

Bethany ?

Liberty ?

Bettina ?

Roberta ?


Bethilda ?

@cedward1 At first I was like that reminds of an older woman and ironically my husband has an aunt Betty Jean who is in her 90s but similarly to you, I kinda kept picturing a cute little girl named Betty and it got cuter and cuter. Kinda reminds me of Lottie. Fight feels right to you I say go for it!!
@cedward1 I agree that most people an especially people her age would not make this association. I am 28 and Billie Jean did not come to my mind at all since it is not as relevant for my generation.