Sleep Training 14 mo


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My (almost) 14 month old does NOT sleep through the night. He goes to bed independently and will sleep from bedtime (7:00) until 12/1/2/3am (depending on the night). When he wakes, he SCREAMS. I’ve tried leaving him for 15 minutes - 1 hour and he just never calms down. I end up going and getting him and he sleeps with me the rest of the night.

He does nurse and I usually nurse him throughout the night after I get him. I’ve started trying to NOT nurse during those wake ups and the screaming is real. I usually give up around 4:30 am.

What do I do????? HOW do I get him to sleep the entire night?

Wake time is usually 7/7:15 (I typically wake him up)
Nap is usually 12-1:30/2:00
Bedtime is usually 7/7:15
@squadfish I would start with holding firm and not nursing in the night, try rocking to sleep. I had to do this myself and it’s really difficult but if you can break the habit it will be so much better. Tell yourself you get a prize if you hold to it and don’t for a week