Sleep and feeding question


New member
First time posting on Reddit so forgive me if this is in the wrong subreddit.

I have a sleep and feeding question for y’all. LO is 9 weeks and EFF. We give him a bottle (4.5 oz) at 830pm and put him down in his crib around 930pm. He always wakes around 1am crying. My dilemma is that when I pick him up and hold him, he stops crying and falls into a light sleep. He will sleep for another 1 to 2 hours in my arms but will not be put down back in crib.

Do I just feed him at 1 so that I can get back to sleep or do I resign myself to being awake for a few more hours just to stretch him between feeds?

I’m going to ask his pediatrician at the next appt but figured I’d start here.

Relevant info: baby is gassy and reflux. He drinks gentlease formula 4.5 every 3 hours during the day. He’s on Pepcid and gas drops and we feed him upright and hold him upright for 30 mins after feeding.