Single mom who wants to introduce my boyfriend to my young son who is autistic

Do forgive me, I’ve never been on Reddit before but I thought perhaps I could turn here for advice.

I’m a single mother to a wonderful boy (10 years old) who I will refer to only as S. Now, I am not his biological mother. I adopted him when he was very young, around when he was a year old. I cannot have children of my own, so this was something I had wanted for a long time.

He is my entire world, my little angel to be honest, as he has gotten me past my hardest days. He’s the sweetest boy with a big heart and an even bigger imagination.

Now when he was 6, I had him tested for autism, which turned out he did have. It wasn’t too much of a surprise, as it is a bit obvious he’s different.

He can’t look people in the eyes, he struggles to keep his vocal tone low, he can be easily overwhelmed, has a very hard time socializing with children his age. It can be challenging sometimes, but it’s nothing I would ever give up. I love my baby so, so much.

He’s very intelligent, he already likes his new school, is slowly making friends, and he recently has an obsession with wolves. His favorite movie is Balto, and it makes everything worth it to see his eyes light up and his little smile spread across his face.

Now, I have been dating this man from my work, who I will refer to as G, for a year now. I’ve known him for a good 3 years thanks to our friends. He has no children himself, is a hard worker, and honestly.. a good man.

He knows about my son, and he understands that I wasn’t ready for them to meet yet. He is hoping to meet him one day, he always asks me how he’s doing and sometimes buys little wolf toys for him. I do find that very sweet and considerate. He’s been understanding if I didn’t have time for a date night when S needed me, even reassuring me if I had to cancel some dates because S had a meltdown or simply didn’t want me to leave. He knows that my son is my number 1 priority and he is understanding, which I honestly admire.

To be frank, I was not expecting this relationship to last a year. But I do truly love him, and I believe I can see us married. But that’s not my focus right now. S has known I’ve been seeing a man, but I told him he will not meet him until he felt ready to. Well, last night S came up to me and asked to meet G.

I’m just unsure how to have them meet. For one, S does not do good with new places, but I’m not sure if I want G to come to my house. The house is a safe space for S, and I don’t know if bringing G over would be too much or make S feel like G is coming into his safe bubble. I’m just at a loss to how they should meet.

Any advice would be amazing, thank you.

S will be meeting G tomorrow after he gets out of church. We will meet up at a park nearby my house than S loves and has said he is happy with.

Thank you all so, so much for the advice. I can never thank you kind souls for helping me. Bless you all💜


Forgive me for not updating sooner, I got a bit caught up with things.

Well for starters, the meet up went wonderfully!

Me and S went to the park around noon and about twenty minutes later, G showed up. At first S was nervous, given G is much taller than him and I, but G started asking him questions about wolves and that just set everything.

S went on for about an hour about them and he ended up playing with him with the toys G had bought him. G did bring another toy, a stuffie that he made sure S would like. He remembered when I said S likes a certain feel and look for his little stuffies, and that just really got my heart going.

S asked him questions and ended up being completely comfortable with him, he even hugged him when G had to go. That shocked us both, but I was happy. G looked like he would cry and gave him a hug back. We said our goodbyes, I gave him a kiss and he left after a couple of hours.

S says he really likes him and is asking if they can meet up again. G is thanking me for letting me meet him and says he already loves him. I’m so grateful and thankful everything went great. I might cry.

We’ll be setting another meet up as soon as we can. Thank you all again for the ideas and support, I appreciate it all💜
@annythinkstoomucj That would be a good neutral place just make sure you are extra careful taking into account all the meltdown triggers. You also need to coach your partner he’s gonna try speak to your son the same way he would do with other children it’s gonna end in crying and he’s gonna feel bad because he won’t understand what he said or did wrong.
@katrina2017 Oh S would love nothing more than that. I love seeing his eyes light up when he talks about them. He does this stim where his hands will flap and it just brings a smile to my face to watch him be so happy.
@annythinkstoomucj Awww bless him tell him to be literal and direct too no ambiguous jokes. From what you said about your partner I don’t see any red flags. He has moved slow, respected boundaries I think you may have a good one there.
@katrina2017 I will don’t you worry about that part. And honestly, I believe so too. What really made it better is when he never got upset over me needing to cancel dates for my son. That right there makes my heart swell up.
@annythinkstoomucj Sounds like you’ve come up with a great plan for meeting at the park. But just in case you (or anyone else) wanted another idea, one thing that can be helpful to introduce a new partner to an autistic young person can be recording short video clips back and forth so they don’t have to interact “live” but could familiarise themselves with each other before meeting in person. They could ask each other questions and have time to answer in their own time and don’t have to see the other person’s reaction in real time.
@annythinkstoomucj I like to introduce my children to someone at a place, doing an activity. Does S like to go to the park? Is there an arcade or some activity he likes to go do? Having a neutral place is best practice, and having an activity everyone can enjoy and engage in makes things less awkward for everyone.

Good luck!! It sounds like you are doing things the right way both as a parent and as a partner.
@deeproots We’ve decided that we will meet at a park near our house, tomorrow after he gets out of church. S is still excited and ok with that, which is something I make sure. G is still over the moon to meet him, and it’s nice to see.

And thank you so much, I’m doing my best for both of them.