SIL says I am great with children - it is making me want them even more!

My husband (27) and I (24) have been together for 7+ years. I am not quite ready to start having children, which is good, as my husband doesn’t even want to talk about trying until he is 30+.

My husband has 2 sisters with a total of 7 children ages 0-8. Over the last few weeks, I have developed a special bond with one of my nephews (Cole), who will be turning 4 next month. Recently, he has been asking his mom if he can call me everyday to talk.

After talking to Cole for 10-15 minutes on the phone today, my SIL got on. The conversation went like this:

SIL: thank you so much for letting him call you. You are so good with children. Even [other SIL] and [MIL] agree that you are the best person with children we have ever met.

Me: thank you. I appreciate that. Though, maybe I just haven’t spent enough time with them. Haha

SIL: no, I am serious. I don’t think you realize how great you are with them. It is a real gift you have. Before I had them, I obviously loved kids, but I was never like you are with them.

I just about burst into tears right there. I would love to have children right now, but I realize that it isn’t the right time. Ugh, it is so tough... for now, I will just browse nurseries/Montessori activities/baby clothing on the internet.
@lifefreeinthespirit I have three friends, all with young kids. One has a baby and a 3 yo. I love playing with the 3 yo especially and we have a great time when we hang out. The parents always tell me how great I am with the kids. And how I should have my own. sigh

I'm not ready (yet!) but man oh man I can't wait for when we are. So I feel for you!

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