Should I let my kids walk home by themselves ?

@mrscott1026 I would but I would maybe get the 9nyrnold a phone for safety.

My daughter is almost 9 and we're statting to leave her home for short periods, like 30 mins to run to the grocery store (mine is across the street)

My daughter's dad lives 6 blocks away. If we didn't live In a very rough area with on going issues from covid and a drug crisis. We would start working on her walking by herself between homes.

I wouldn't let the 9 yr old be responsible for a 5 yr old but the 7 yr old is also responsible
@mrscott1026 If like to have that option, but my school district requires that K and 1st grade students be picked up by an adult, even if they are walking.

So, next year I can let my daughter walk by herself, but not this school year. Even though she is completely capable of doing so.
@mrscott1026 Everyone has given really good points for you to consider. Also consider what is legal in your state. Some states actually have quite a high age (IMO) for when children can be expected to not be supervised.
@mrscott1026 Phased retreat is the process - so from now on start pausing and waving them off 10/20m from the school gate in the morning - see how they respond to this little bit of responsibility until you’re basically waving them off at the front door.

One thing I will say is that a 15 min walk is a bit different to 500 metres so just be very careful.

Maybe speak to other parents who are walking and take turns to walk the kids so they have a responsible adult but feel independent.

Once you have the walk there nailed you can start thinking about the same for the way home
@mrscott1026 With our son, at about 9 and walking a slightly further distance, we eased him into it.

First, dropping him off at the corner near school, then letting him do the crossing before on his own, then about halfway... It soon felt natural, and we were comfortable he was responsible enough to do the walk alone.

Around that time we also got him a real simple pay-as-you-go phone just in case he needed us, but don't think he ever used it.
@mrscott1026 I think 9 is a bit young. To be “in charge” of that walk.

That’s my personal opinion but I think if you really want it your best bet is to walk with them for a very long trail run. Let them lead. Follow behind at a distance. Do that for awhile and you’ll probably get your answer
@mrscott1026 Depends on maturity of the kids I guess. Personally I’ll never take chance for my kids walking home at that age Cos I get too paranoid. These days even reckless drivers can pop up from no where and everything/anything can happen...
Or if there are a group of kids/friends that walk together, that might be an option.

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