Should I get bloodwork done to find out the gender Y or N?


New member
This isn’t my first baby but it is my last, I’ve waited until 18-21 weeks every time but would like to maybe do blood work to find out sooner. Should I do it? If you did it, what was your experience?
@asupersquirrel They have one that’s called the snap now or something which my friend did. She said it was super easy. I did the finger lance one and it wasn’t enjoyable and I had a hard time getting enough blood out. You can also have it done in a lab setting if there’s one close by you.

Also, if your insurance won’t cover NIPT, you can call around to different companies and get a quote for non-insurance/out of pocket costs which sometimes can even be cheaper than the copay for your insurance. You don’t mention your age, but if you are over 35 most insurances cover it. (That damn “advanced maternal age” description!)
@asupersquirrel You can find out at 7 weeks with the new Sneak Peek test (with my first daughter, I had to wait until 9 weeks). The new blood draw device is also quite literally painless (it uses micro needles and is so easy), and with expedited service you can find out in a couple days. I was also someone with no patience when it came to learning the gender.
@crownfair I used Sneak Peek twice and it was right both times! It's fairly cheap, too!

I recommend finding out early mainly for names haha. Plus, I'm impatient. My fiancé and I had two full names picked out- one for a boy and one for a girl. We found out the first time we were having a boy. Easy, name was prepared. The second time we found out we were having another boy. I panicked at first because we didn't have a name picked out, but I had 32 weeks to figure it out though so that calmed me down.

My mom said when she had her children, you didn't know until birth. She told me it sucked not knowing because they couldn't call the baby by a name throughout the pregnancy; they couldn't get anything specific for that baby (like a family member making a pink blanket for a girl with her name embroidered); and everything had to be gender-neutral until the baby arrived.

But to each their own. It's completely up to you and your partner what you want to do. Congratulations on your baby btw! xx
@asupersquirrel Check with your insurance unless you want a $1000 bill a few months from now! I got the bloodwork with my first, it was $200, no problem. With my 2nd I had switched to be on my husband’s plan and I didn’t think twice, just got the blood work. A few months later a bill comes for $1000+. Just be careful.
@asupersquirrel OP, just so you know my OB told me that my insurance wouldn’t cover it and that it’d be $$$$$$ out of pocket, unless I paid directly to testing firm. If I paid as a direct customer and didn’t claim against my insurance it was $99.

So that could be another Avenue if you’d like to pursue it. The $99 was also HSA eligible so I didn’t really pay anything out of my own pocket

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