Should I get bloodwork done to find out the gender Y or N?

@asupersquirrel I saw someone mention sneek peek. I personally don’t feel comfortable sending a blood sample to a Company but wanted to find out the gender before the 20 weeks so I went to a 2D ultrasound place to find out the gender at 15 weeks. They say you can find out as soon as 13 weeks with a 2D Ultrasound. It cost round $50 bucks and of course, you get to see your baby, hear their heartbeat and take some pictures home!
@asupersquirrel I did it at 10 weeks, yes I got a HUGE BILL, but it's because I ignored the text saying to pay $100 within the first 3 days . It was a normal blood draw & I watched the video of the results with my husband and 3 daughters. I was happy to know I didn't need to go out & buy anything besides diapers.
@asupersquirrel I did it, found out both kids at 11w and also that they were healthy. It was a huge relief. Plus, i liked that I didn’t spend a single second planning out names for the wrong gender. I felt it really minimized gender disappointment. My health spending account for work covered the cost.
@asupersquirrel I did it for the genetic screening but you also find out the gender. I would do the genetic screening again. Finding out the gender this way is a sure thing as opposed to them just looking on ultra sound which can be wrong
@asupersquirrel We loved finding out early. It was included with some other highly recommended screening so we said why not. I don’t know that it would have been worth an additional expense.
@asupersquirrel I did a NIPS tests! My insurance covered it. I’m in the US, and I was under the impression that is the norm to have this testing for genetic abnormalities (every pregnant person I’ve ever met as an adult has had it done except one). In my opinion the test gives essential information. Im the type who wants to be prepared for all possibilities, especially in regards to something that will affect the rest of my life. Even if I did not want to terminate for medical reasons, I would still want to mentally/physically/socially/financially prepare for the birth of a child with special needs.

My OB office asked if we want to know the gender along with the other info and we said yes. They told us over the phone (after asking again to make sure they weren’t spoiling it for us). It was very exciting and fun. That part is totally up to you!
@asupersquirrel Mine was covered by insurance. Primary reason was for health screening because of my age. But I loved knowing early to kind of imagine this tiny person as more than an abstract idea.
@asupersquirrel I had it done but made them put the results in an envelope and not tell me so I could make the choice to see or not. I ended up waiting until the 20 week ultrasound, and still wanted to keep it a surprise, the the tech accidentally spilled the beans during the exam 🤦‍♀️ Anyway, the envelope thing is a good way to have both options!
@asupersquirrel We didn't find out the sex with our youngest and oldest, and only did with our middle kiddo because we did amniocentesis. Having done both, I really loved not knowing until birth. But if you want to know and your insurance covers the blood tests, I don't see any reason not to do it. I personally probably wouldn't choose to pay extra out of pocket just to know a few weeks earlier