Should I even get a breast pump?


New member
Currently 28 weeks pregnant, and my doctor just gave me an insurance order for a breast pump.

I’m fairly confident that I will switch to formula at around 4-6 weeks, as I have to go back to work at around 10 weeks and baby will be going to day care, and the idea of pumping literally is already depressing to me. I can’t get my head around being attached to an electric pump, I would feel like a dairy cow and resent it so much. I fostered neonate kittens last year and fed them every 2-4 hours for weeks, and i just keep imagining having to pump and wash parts on that kind of schedule and it seems like I’d be miserable doing it at all - pumping and washing parts.

So should I even order a breast pump? Is it worth it? I don’t want to feel pressured at the hospital to “just try it to learn how to do it.”

I feel like people aren’t understanding, I didn’t include enough details perhaps. Right now, I feel like if I had to pump, I would switch to formula early instead. I actually don’t even know if I’d breastfeed at all or just go to formula day 1. If it’s not easy, or if my nipples are screaming bloody murder, or if my baby has a tongue tie, I’ll be switching to formula. If I’m exhausted because I’m being woken up to feed and find that I cannot fall back asleep, then we’ll be switching to formula so my husband can do shifts without needing me. We already have the baby brezza. I know that hormones could drive me nuts and I could change my mind, but I’d be absolutely shocked if that were the case

I’ll probably get the pump, but if nothing else, I’d sell it or donate it to charity. But everything I’ve read says you can’t share or sell breast pumps. I guess I’ll try to get a willow or elvie set, those seem to have resell value anyways
@nicolecham Free is a very good price and birth and babies are notoriously unpredictable. I’d say go for it to keep your options open and sell/gift it later if you don’t use it.
@taitai I must second this sentiment. So much of our LO's birth and first couple of weeks did not go according to what we had planned. Please be kind to future you and give yourself options.
@katrina2017 It was the whole set! Bag, pump, bottles, lids. A cooler! I wasn’t even trying to make money off of it because I spent over $100 and put it up for $20. I just wanted it out of my house. Then I felt bad and now it’s back in my cabinet.
@max2800 Offer it for free in a moms group instead of marketplace — that may be how to get rid of it.

Saying this as I look at mine, still in the box from insurance sending it to me.
@nicolecham Is there a pump you can get entirely for free with your insurance? It might be worth ordering that one to have just in case. My baby was in the NICU and tongue tied, so being able to pump for her while in the hospital and after I went home (but she was still in the hospital) was helpful.
@andreasavoia Yeah I pumped when my baby was in the NICU and then transitioned to formula when he came home. They do have pumps available at our hospital but I couldn’t be there around the clock so pumping at home was very helpful
@nicolecham Use Babylist health or Aeroflow to order a free breast pump through your insurance. They will each show you a list of pumps that your insurance will send you for free. It’s super easy and it will be great to have one just in case.
@nicolecham Honestly I know everyone is saying to get it, but I can see the argument for not. If you have it you’re going to feel guilty not at least trying it if baby won’t directly nurse, and once I started and found I naturally had a decent supply I then felt guilty quitting.

The pumps that are free with insurance are also usually the ones that have to be plugged in the whole time you use them. Wildly impractical. The ones that are big but have a battery are often like $70 added on to what insurance pays, and then the wearables or other more portable options are often still like $200 even with insurance. While $70 isn’t a ton of money in the grand scheme of things compared to all the other baby supplies, it’s also not nothing if you really don’t plan to use it.

I will say re: the night feeds, combo feeding is a thing! They don’t recommend it for the first few weeks mainly because it can decrease supply, but if baby getting a certain amount of breast milk is not important to you anyway you can always just nurse during the day and your husband’s sleep shift (and top off with formula as needed) and your husband gives formula during your sleep shift.
@nicolecham Take what is free or inexpensive from your insurance. Best laid plans often don’t work out as you’ve expected and it’s better to be safe than sorry. I was an unexpected exclusive pumper but when the time came to choose between continuing to pump and formula feed, it was honestly easier to continue pumping than figure out how to wean. If you find yourself in even somewhat similar circumstances, you’ll want it on hand. It’s not an overnight process to get the pump approved and delivered or figure out how to use it properly.
@nicolecham I would get one just in case but that’s exactly why I quit pumping. I hated the idea of having to do it 8x per day and I never could. I could barely pump 4x. Hated pumping overnight. It was so exhausting and I would finally have enough to give my baby a bottle of my milk just for him to decide he only wanted an ounce instead of 3-4😭

My baby was on formula since day 1 due to low blood sugar but I greatly appreciate my husband being able to help with feedings. It’s helped my sanity a lot.
@nicolecham I ordered one through insurance, and it collected dust 😂 I bought a wearable one that I used a few times and realized I just hated pumping. If I needed to pump, I just used a manual one, $25 on Amazon.

The only reason I haven’t gotten rid of my Spectra is just in case I change my mind with any future kids. Or if there’s any medical issues with future kids/NICU stays I can pump colostrum and some breastmilk for them. But that’s just my personal preference.

If you don’t see yourself pumping, don’t bother getting one. You can always get one later on, or buy one from Amazon. Some of them aren’t that expensive.