Semen Analysis Results are confusing


New member
So my doctor had my husband do a semen analysis which makes sense because he only has one testicle. He had testicle torsion (I believe that’s what it’s called) and lost the other. But I’m not sure how to interpret the results, our fertility doctor is saying the only thing that’s wrong is that his sperm is more abnormal than usual and he produced less than average but it’s still possible to get pregnant. I’ll admit because of my experience with doctors I have a trust issue, I’d just like to see what others think. Also for some reason every time I go in there I just start crying (which is extremely embarrassing) but it makes it hard to get clarification.

Semen Color: Clear/Colorless

Days of Abstinence: 3

Sperm Count Total: 25.7 M/ml

Normal Sperm: 9%

Abnormal Sperm: 91%

Non-Motile Sperm: 46%

Motile Sperm: 54%

Sperm Progression: 37%

Non-Progressive Sperm: 17%

Sperm pH: 8.5

Sperm Viscosity: Normal

Volume Sperm: 1.0 mL

Liquefaction: Normal

Leukocytes: Absent
@saralynn1 The total progressive count is just under 10mio here so that would be considered mild OAT where I am.
There is a good post in the wiki on this sub about sperm interpretation. P
@s3anreilly They have him taking fertilaid or whatever it’s called to help with that. They want him to retest in 3 months to see if it’s helping. I did try to find that post because I remember reading it in the past but I’m going to have to wait until I’m at my computer, the phone makes everything hard to navigate
@saralynn1 Unfortunately google and some doctors forget to tell you that you can still be infertile with an ok semen analysis.

Standard protocol says to do a full investigation of both partners after 12 months of unsuccessful ttc. Some doctors suggest 24 months because 50% of subfertile couples manage to conceive by then, but yeah 4 years was a bit too long regardless of the odds.

At least your getting proper treatment now though. 😊
@heloisebellamy We’ve done a full work up on me and supposedly I’m doing my portion of the work which is why we have pivoted to making sure my husband doesn’t have any issues.

We didn’t go to the doctor prior because it was one of those “we’re trying but not very hard” kinda things
@saralynn1 Ok, that makes sense then because I would expect at least a couple close calls after a few years even with suboptimal sperm quality if you were ovulating regularly. Is your partner making any lifestyle changes in the mean time?