School sending invites to a church fashion show


New member
I just want to know if I’m wrong for feeling creeped out and like this is inappropriate?

I received an invitation from the school for a church hosting a fashion show for girls k-4. On the invite itself it says parents are to drop off at 5pm and can’t attend the show until 8:30pm.

“Formal dresses provided. (Cami and undershirts recommended)”

It just raises a lot of alarm bells for me that the school sent me an invite for a “Girl’s Night Strong” that involved elementary aged girls getting dressed without parents present. Or is this just my trauma talking?
@simplysamie Here’s the thing: whoever is putting this on might be super innocent and or naive. They might be older and unaware that the culture has shifted and the vast majority of parents have their radars up for predatory behavior or situations for their kids.

However, despite the original intention of whoever is sponsoring this event, this is exactly the type of place where predators prey. Lots of likely unsupervised children, no parents, all being told to dress and undress in communal spaces? No. Hell no. I would never in a million years drop my child off at this event.

Also- WHY? What is a church doing sponsoring a fashion show?? What is a public (secular) school doing sending this info out?? If there was a slightly possible hinky child supervision situation and it was during, like… SCIENCE CAMP where there weren’t as many eyes on the kids as I would like, I would maybe say yes. But this is stupid to begin with and set up in the perfect way for someone to take advantage.
@jamesdtyler Especially in our area where we just had our town under investigation for an issue with city employees propositioning children for money. Forgot to add that above.

Thank you. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t wrong for feeling like this was a terrible idea, and not something the school should be sending invites for.
@simplysamie Oh jeez that certainly adds another whole layer to it.

Honestly I think it would be appropriate to bring it to the attention of the school. Not in a “HOW DARE U” type of way, but more in a “I just wanted to raise some concerns about sending home events from a church, since it implies the school is promoting a certain religion. I also feel like this particular event could be dangerous as there is no parental supervision allowed and the girls will be getting dressed and undressed around strangers.”

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