Schedule with three littles?

Hi! We just had our third baby and I’m struggling to get a schedule. I know it’s not really attainable with a newborn, but I’d love some examples of how you get things done in bigger families! I have three boys (barely 4, 2 and 4 weeks). Right now we’re struggling to get out even just to the store and if we do then I’m not sure how to get in physical play for the older kids. I’m a SAHM 5 days a week and WFH on the days my husband is off. How do y’all do it all so maybe I can steal some ideas to aim for? Thanks!
@new_2_this_b_kind 3.5 yo, 2 yo, and 10 mo here, I am a SAHM.

6:00 wake up

7:00 breakfast

8:00 baby's first nap

9:00 snack

9:30 baby wakes up

10:00 leave house for activity of the day

12:00 come home, eat lunch

12:30 naps

2:30 snack

3:00 outside time

4:00 watch a show while I make dinner

5:00 dinner

6:00 baths

6:30 pajamas, teeth, stories

7:00 all in bed
@weareneveralone This is almost exactly what we did when my girls were 9 months and just over 2 (we just woke at 7 so pushed an hour basically). We honestly still do this just without the baby naps because they’re 3.5 and 20 months, but we’re due next month with baby #3 and my plan was to go back to this so I’m glad it’s working!
@new_2_this_b_kind Mine are 4yo, 2yo, 11 months. I wake up at 6:30am, and start making lunches/bottles for the kids. Baby wakes up at 6:45/7ish, change him, give him a bottle and then head back upstairs and get the 2yo up, change his diaper, put on clothes and get him started eating breakfast. If my 4yo wakes up on his own, that's fine, otherwise at this point I wake him up and get him started on breakfast. Finish making lunches, pack up the boys, get 4yo dressed and we're all out the door for daycare between 7:45-8. I work full time, so they get picked up a little after 5pm,dinner on table by 6:15 and then kids go down in order of waking... Baby down at 7:15, 2yo down by 7:30 and 4yo goes to bed at 8:45.

I think for me, timing out the morning and evening routines so that I can try stagger the kids really helped. Obviously, some of this is dependent on ages of kids and their schedules.
@new_2_this_b_kind 6/6:30am- wake up & get ready for school
7:15- bus
7:30- breakfast
9:30- snack
11/11:30- lunch
12- nap
3:30pm- bus/snack
5:30/6- dinner
7:45- get ready for bed
8- bed

I have 11yo, 8.5yo, 5.5yo, 4yo, 2yo, 15mo, and 1wo, this is our M-F schedule with the older 4 in school. We try to stick to the same schedule for the weekends. We usually get out of the house at 8am and try to get home by 10:30 so I can start lunch. & we play outside after nap and usually don't come in until 5 to start dinner. So we stay on schedule and still get plenty of outside/play time
@new_2_this_b_kind Mine are currently 10y (in elementary school), 4y (preschool 2 mornings for 2.5h), 2y, and 5mo. I’m a SAHM. I’m not a pro by any means, but my goal is to get out of the house every day in the morning. The baby snoozes on the go (she hates her car seat, so if we’re out and I’m not driving I’m wearing her). If at all possible, we’re doing something physical, out burning energy somewhere. We leave after breakfast, and get home for lunch. After lunch is nap; I work to get the baby on a nap schedule that at least partially overlaps with the older one(s) as quickly as possible.

Afternoons are generally chaos after nap until dinner, and then many nights we have something going on for the oldest. If not, and it’s remotely possible, we’re outside playing.